Friday, August 27, 2010

Days 2 and 3

It's been a very busy, and at the same time lazy, week. So to compensate for the lack of posts, I'll be doing two days in the 30-Day Challenge.

Day 2 - The meaning behind your Tumblr Blogger name
I have a different name for my Tumblr, but since we're on Blogger, might as well stick to this. My blog url is I know it's not the most artistic name, nor the most creative, but I try, as much as possible, to maintain a sense of identity in all the names I make for my online journals. I am the type of person who's paranoid about the future. I have this belief, thanks to my parents, that my Monday will predict the rest of my week. So for example, if I start off this week spending and splurging, I'll most likely be spending for the rest of the week. Or let's say, I just did really bad on a Monday philo quiz, it's possible that a pop quiz in theology might turn out just as bad. I know what you're going to say, this is simply self-fulfilling prophecy, but what the heck. I've been relying on this belief for a long time now. That's why I tend to be careful on Mondays and try as much as possible to bring about happy results.

Not very interesting name for a blog right? Ugh, I know. Must improve on the creatives.

Day 3 - A picture of you and your friends

I miss these girls! Crazy night this was HAHA I still think the best trips I'll ever have will be with these ladies. I miss you SIBS! Let's have another adventure soon :) (L-R: Jenn, Rizelle, Arjae, Joyce, Me, Jo)

My Kythe Family. This photo was taken during our PlanSem last May in Punta Fuego, Nasugbu. College wouldn't have been as fun without these happy people!

And of course, the backbone of my college life, Block Y :D This was during Malcolm and Clyde's Despedida. We've gone so far, and it actually feels sad that in a few months, we'll be moving on to new paths. :(

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