Monday, August 09, 2010


Just finished my first drawing assignment for Children's Literature class. I don't feel very accomplished, but I worked really hard on this okay.

From my first and very dead sketch...

Into this! I like how the picture looks better than the actual collage :)

The collage looks nice no? I think it's only in pictures do collages look nice, especially my work. HAHA. The drawing part of my class elective has really been a struggle for me. I can't draw illustrations as nice as the ones my classmates make. Hay. Thank God this collage cooperated with me.

Greatest thing man ever made!

I've only discovered how convenient it was to use glue stick instead of the usual Elmer's this year, and the really, the difference is just amazing! No more ugly glue marks that look like snot when they dry up. Thank you glue stick for saving me tonight!

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