Monday, August 02, 2010

Avocado Ice Candy

Today was a really sad day, mainly because of the Philo long test which I seriously was not prepared to answer by the way. I forgot how it felt to write a one-page essay in less than an hour. I ended up spacing out/thinking for more than twenty minutes that I simply crammed my answers. I don't even know whether those crammed words I wrote earned me a few points or not. Oh hayz. I walked home holding back my tears because I promised myself I will not cry over my grades anymore, or at least not after every freaking exam. So I was walking walking when I saw an old man eating ice candy - avocado flavor! :D I love avocado flavored ice cream, especially the ones made by Arce Dairy. I went to National Bookstore Katipunan and got myself ice candy for only 10 pesos! Yum yum! Easy pick-me-upper for me. But aside from avocado flavored ice candy, here are some other things I consider as easy pick-me-uppers:

He was really adorable from 500 Days of Summer and seeing him with the GQ vibe in Inception just made JGL much much cuter.

Tumblr saves me from sleeping. It's always a surprise what you'll see when you turn the next page. Cute little babies will be always be an instant reblog.

There are days like today when I just don't care and eat whatever I want. Carbs, specifically rice, is a sinful comfort food. Box O Rice adds more sin since it cooks rice with lots and lots of margarine. I love their Sisig and Chicken Misono.

What's your instant pick-me-upper?

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