Tuesday, August 31, 2010

For the Love of Shoes

Just got home from the mall to buy new Sanuks! I am a very happy girl today.

I decided to buy the June Bug design since this seemed more versatile compared to the other designs available in the store.
I would've wanted this one though, if it were available.

Oh well. The one I picked still looked pretty good to me though. The only reason why I bought a pair was because I was able to snag some nifty Sanuk GCs from our school's org RecWeek. The RecWeek team got Sanuk as their sponsor and were giving away these GCs. Today was the last day to use the gift certificate.

It seemed like other people were also doing some last-minute Sanuk shopping like me with their GCs. P500 off your Sanuk shoes can really be big discount you know.

Still got one more left, and I don't think I'll be using it anymore on shoes. Too bad. I might as well use it as a bookmark or something.

Monday, August 30, 2010


I already mentioned in a few posts back how Maginhawa St. in Teacher's Village is fast becoming known as a foodie village. This time around, Z and I checked out the recently opened BRGR: The Burger Project.

From the same people who opened Pino Resto + Bar, BRGR is located at the previous spot of Pino, which is beside Sancho. It's pretty small, and parking can be really hard, especially when taxi drivers use this area as their taxi stand. :| Anyway, so we managed to park and were glad that there weren't too many people dining in BRGR during that time.

So how does ordering work here? First, you pick up a clipboard by the counter which has a burger form you have to fill up. You choose the meat you want, either 100% beef or tofu. And then, how many patties can you devour, 1, 2 or 3? Next, you pick your bun, it's either poppyseed or potato bun, which costs you 20 pesos more (I think). After the bun, you can pick your cheese; they offer mozzarella and bleu cheese. And then you have a long list of 14 toppings to choose from. I seriously had a hard time picking out my toppings, but ended up with Canadian bacon, tomato, and lettuce on my one 100% beef patty with bleu cheese in between the poppyseed bun. On the other hand, Z ordered for 2 patties on poppyseed bun with mozzarella, lettuce, barbecue sauce, caramelized onions, and Canadian bacon. Does that sound too much? Well you gotta see it to believe it!

Photo taken by Z. This was his burger; just by looking at it, you can already feel heartburn coming :o it was HUGE.

Those were seriously big burgers, but really really good ones. I'd like to believe this would top my list for best burgers in Metro Manila, and that would mean beating Brothers Burger and S&R Cheeseburger.

The Burger Project
122 Maginhawa St., Teacher's Village
Diliman, QC

Friday, August 27, 2010

Days 2 and 3

It's been a very busy, and at the same time lazy, week. So to compensate for the lack of posts, I'll be doing two days in the 30-Day Challenge.

Day 2 - The meaning behind your Tumblr Blogger name
I have a different name for my Tumblr, but since we're on Blogger, might as well stick to this. My blog url is http://star-crossedmondays.blogspot.com I know it's not the most artistic name, nor the most creative, but I try, as much as possible, to maintain a sense of identity in all the names I make for my online journals. I am the type of person who's paranoid about the future. I have this belief, thanks to my parents, that my Monday will predict the rest of my week. So for example, if I start off this week spending and splurging, I'll most likely be spending for the rest of the week. Or let's say, I just did really bad on a Monday philo quiz, it's possible that a pop quiz in theology might turn out just as bad. I know what you're going to say, this is simply self-fulfilling prophecy, but what the heck. I've been relying on this belief for a long time now. That's why I tend to be careful on Mondays and try as much as possible to bring about happy results.

Not very interesting name for a blog right? Ugh, I know. Must improve on the creatives.

Day 3 - A picture of you and your friends

I miss these girls! Crazy night this was HAHA I still think the best trips I'll ever have will be with these ladies. I miss you SIBS! Let's have another adventure soon :) (L-R: Jenn, Rizelle, Arjae, Joyce, Me, Jo)

My Kythe Family. This photo was taken during our PlanSem last May in Punta Fuego, Nasugbu. College wouldn't have been as fun without these happy people!

And of course, the backbone of my college life, Block Y :D This was during Malcolm and Clyde's Despedida. We've gone so far, and it actually feels sad that in a few months, we'll be moving on to new paths. :(

Monday, August 23, 2010


So last weekend, I went home again to Batangas. Just to get away from all the stress and pressure school has been giving me. And behold, the fruit of my weekend at home.

I know, I know. They don't look very nice, but they taste really good. I worked really hard on this okay, so no judging. In case anyone is interested, here's the mochi recipe! :)

1 1/2 cups malagkit flour (plus extra)
1 1/2 cups water
1 cup sugar

In a large microwaveable dish, combine flour, sugar and water and whisk until free of lumps. Microwave on HIGH for 9-10 minutes. Let cool at room temperature for ten minutes, then chill in the refrigerator for twenty minutes. Roll on surface dusted with malagkit. Slice into small pieces with wooden or plastic knife.


Thursday, August 19, 2010

Bohemian Summer

Because my graduation picture shoot is coming up in less than a month, I've been searching for some inspiration on what to do for my casual lifestyle shot. I honestly don't know what to do for this one, but I have managed to think more clearly and came up with two options: 1) summery vibe or 2) bohemian inspired.

So I found a few photos that actually blur the lines between the two. I hope this shoot turns out well.

I really like the last one the most (even if it does not show even a hint of bohemian or summer!). It's her pose that I appreciated. Plus, the hair is very much doable since this is actually how my hair looks like in most days - messy bun with my bangs covering almost half of my face. I just have to find a nice tube dress in happier colors than the one Zooey Deschanel's wearing. Wish me luck!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Day 01- A recent picture of you and 15 interesting facts about yourself

This photo is taken by Z for our Abnormal Psychology group presentation on eating disorders. As you can see, the camera and I, we're not really good friends. I guess I was never comfortable enough to actually stay in front of a camera without goofing around or looking weird in the pictures. And what's weirder is that it kinda feels weird when Z's the one taking my pictures. One of the things I don't like is when he tries to take pictures of me. Seriously, I'd either look away and grab his very expensive camera or make a very ugly face (like the one you see above).

Anyway, moving on to the 15 facts about me. Aside from doing this while cramming thesis, I'm lazy tonight so let's see if I'll reach 15. Perhaps I shouldn't elaborate so much anymore?

1. I really really really want to be a doctor.
2. I cry over my grades until now. I'm already a senior :|
3. My Facebook games take up most of my Facebook time.
4. I read a lot of food blogs. Seriously, I read a lot of those food blogs. They are my food.
5. I now live off with coffee twice a day, one in the morning, another cup during the night. If I don't have my coffee, you can expect to accomplish nothing for that day.
6. I don't like cleaning my room. I think there are better things to do. HAHA
7. Lookbook is an inspiration. I've been very much motivated to dress up for school lately. I dunno, sometimes it just feels good that you're all dressed up and dainty.
8. I've never worn a skirt to school in college.
9. Buffalo wings are the best.
10. Let me edit number 9. Cake is the best, buffalo wings comes next.
11. I secretly want to be a storybook writer and illustrator. But I'm not that much of an illustrator neither a writer.
12. Trips to bookstores make me happy. Maybe not the books, but the school supplies they have.
13. I've recently discovered that my freckles are spreading from my face to my shoulders and upper arms.
14. I love boy watches. Those black chunky ones. When I get richer, I'll buy myself a Panerai or I can just arbor my dad's Panerai.
15. I can live eating fruits alone. I love fruits, except for Langka and Durian. Everything else, I can finish on my own.

Yay, that was fast. I'm just not sure if those things are considered interesting.

Sad Lion

This is my sad lion. I like to draw/write whenever I'm sad/angry/frustrated. Because if I can't cry, I'd draw and draw and draw. I know, I have too much drama in my life I can die of it.

update: I decided to delete my post earlier. It's funny how my mood can easily change from extremely sad to extremely happy. We really have to be thankful for all the endorphins kisses on the cheeks can give us. Hihi, just saying.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

30-Day Challenge

Just so the long hours of staying online everyday can have a purpose! Haha.

This was supposed to be for tumblr (check out my tumblr page!), but what the heck, I'm patronizing blogger now.

Day 01- A recent picture of you and 15 interesting facts about yourself
Day 02- The meaning behind your Tumblr name
Day 03- A picture of you and your friends
Day 04- A habit that you wish you didn’t have
Day 05- A picture of somewhere you’ve been to
Day 06- Favorite super hero and why
Day 07- A picture of someone/something that has the biggest impact on you
Day 08- Short term goals for this month and why
Day 09- Something you’re proud of in the past few days
Day 10- Songs you listen to when you are Happy, Sad, Bored, Hyped, Mad
Day 11- Another picture of you and your friends
Day 12- How you found out about Tumblr and why you made one
Day 13- A letter to someone who has hurt you recently
Day 14- A picture of you and your family
Day 15- Put your iPod on shuffle: First 10 songs that play
Day 16- Another picture of yourself
Day 17- Someone you would want to switch lives with for one day and why
Day 18- Plans/dreams/goals you have
Day 19- Nicknames you have; why do you have them
Day 20- Someone you see yourself marrying/being with in the future
Day 21- A picture of something that makes you happy
Day 22- What makes you different from everyone else
Day 23- Something you crave for a lot
Day 24- A letter to your parents
Day 25- What I would find in your bag
Day 26- What you think about your friends
Day 27- Why are you doing this 30 day challenge
Day 28- A picture of you last year and now, how have you changed since then?
Day 29- In this past month, what have you learned
Day 30- Who are you?

I'll start tomorrow, kay!

Bad Tuesday

This was clearly not a good day for God and Religion. I need something to cheer me up! :(

update: I ordered lutong bahay! Because I'm particularly too lazy to go outside at night and buy dinner from somewhere, I would either starve myself or order delivery. And because I've had a particularly bad day, I gave in to temptation and ordered rice.

Probably a secret only people living along Katipunan know is the existence of Happy Homes. I can't really call Happy Homes a carinderia since I've never seen it, nor did other people whom I know order from Happy Homes. You have two options: 1) call them at their landline number or 2) text them (see number at the end of the post). If you decide to order through text, they charge you two extra pesos for the load consumption. But imagine this, one meal which includes a cup of rice and a viand will cost you only 35 pesos! You're required to order a minimum of two meals, so that's 70 pesos plus two pesos = 72 pesos! So san makakarating ang 72 pesos mo?

Today's menu: Pork steak and breaded porkchop

Best seller: breaded porkchop
Well obviously you can't expect their food to look as mouthwatering as the food in restaurants. This is your good ol' lutong bahay, so don't expect them to be complete with side dishes or garnishing. The breaded porkchop is always a safe choice. I've tried their sarciadong bangus, lumpiang shanghai, and pancit as well. My mom cooks better, but I guess this will suffice. The only downside when ordering Happy Homes is that you have to wait for 40-60 minutes before your food arrives.

Happy Homes
Somewhere along Katipunan Ave., Quezon City

Monday, August 16, 2010

What I Do When I Go Home

After almost two months of not going back to Batangas, I finally had the chance to go home and not worry about any exams for the following. So what do I do when I go home?

1. Check the local thrift stores. I like going to the local thrift stores (read: ukay-ukay) in Batangas because the pretty dresses and cute tops are the ones left for the end of the month. People from my province, from my observation, prefer buying jeans and comfortable t-shirts while the weird ones (which I absolutely like!) are left there, waiting for me to buy them. I managed to buy 2 dresses and an asymmetrical top all for 100 pesos! Where can you buy three outfits for only 100 pesos! Hahaha. It was a good and thrifty weekend.

2. Go to the local SM. Even if I go to malls around Manila, I still cannot leave Batangas without dropping by SM. I like bargain shopping, as you've read above, and SM department store is actually more of a treasure chest now compared to thrift stores. The clothes and the accessories are really getting better while their prices remain very affordable. I've visited a number of SM department stores already, and SM Cubao and SM Megamall have the nicest department stores, complete with pretty Parisian Jr. flats and random clothing brands for girls.

3. Check out our fridge. Who doesn't like the idea that when you open your refrigerator you see so many things you wouldn't expect to see? So last Friday night, I opened our upstairs fridge and saw different colored boxes of chocolates. I saw a cute little blue box, and guess what I saw inside? Royce Chocolates! It was a really good way of ending a bad and hellish week. But the evidences of my hell week last week are still here - stupid pimpleeeees! What can I do about them? :(

Friday, August 13, 2010

Hell week and some

I just finished a very long and a very difficult week of my senior year. I conquered (or at least I’d like to think I did) two long exams, one midterm oral exams, and one illustration plate. Doesn’t seem much? For me, it was very heavy. I honestly don’t like taking oral exams, and I don’t know why it has been a culture in Ateneo to have oral exams for theology and philosophy. I don’t hear my friends from other schools complaining about orals. But anyway, I want to stop talking about academics because I’m trying to avoid using this blog as a cathartic outlet. I’ve had too much catharsis in my old old posts. What I’m really excited about is coming this weekend. It’s been a month and a half since I went home to Batangas, and honestly, I really really want to go home now. I’m excited for my activities on Saturday. Since I won’t be able to attend the August CLP tomorrow, I’m making up for it by spending the afternoon administering tests to my little sister and her friends. I’ve always enjoyed playing student-teacher when I was younger, and it makes me giddy that I’m actually doing it again – this time for real purposes. I need to get ideas for my final storybook project and because I have to gather data for my case report in abnormal psychology.

For other news, I just got an email informing me that I got accepted as associate director for externals in ANECON. Can’t wait to meet new people to work with! But I’m kind of anxious since I don’t know any of the people I’ll be working with.

Monday, August 09, 2010


Just finished my first drawing assignment for Children's Literature class. I don't feel very accomplished, but I worked really hard on this okay.

From my first and very dead sketch...

Into this! I like how the picture looks better than the actual collage :)

The collage looks nice no? I think it's only in pictures do collages look nice, especially my work. HAHA. The drawing part of my class elective has really been a struggle for me. I can't draw illustrations as nice as the ones my classmates make. Hay. Thank God this collage cooperated with me.

Greatest thing man ever made!

I've only discovered how convenient it was to use glue stick instead of the usual Elmer's this year, and the really, the difference is just amazing! No more ugly glue marks that look like snot when they dry up. Thank you glue stick for saving me tonight!

Sunday, August 08, 2010

Crazy Sunday Weather

While I was on my way to mass this afternoon, the trike had to pass by E. Abada Street since the parish was located inside Varsity Hills.
It doesn't look so bad in the picture, but I got really scared that the water might reach the inside of the trike. This was along the intersection of Abada and the building where Green Mango and Fruit Magic are located. And just now, I learned that this was actually normal. So it's normal that the cement cover of the canals were flapping from all that water pressure coming from the canals? Someone has to do something about this please. Kawawa naman yung mga nakatira along this part of Abada.

The weather's just too crazy today. I do hope classes get canceled tomorrow so that I'll have another day to study. Hello hell week! I am not ready yet. T_T

And btw, everyone should try Kenny Rogers' Baked Bangus from their Breakfast menu. Sarap sarap! But I was disappointed when I realized Kenny's coffee wasn't free flowing.

Friday, August 06, 2010

Gayuma ni Maria

Just got home from a fabolous dinner with the boyfriend. Sometimes, getting tampo can work well for me because I get to choose where to eat, even if that meant driving around Maginhawa Street to look for the restaurant. And tonight's choice was Gayuma ni Maria.

I wish I had a camera I can use to take pictures. :( I really have to go home to the province soon so I can borrow one of our cameras from my dad. Anyway, I've been reading a number of blog posts regarding Gayuma, and from what I've researched, apparently, Gayuma's first branch was along Katipunan Avenue. I think the first restaurant burned down, so the owners had no choice but to close Gayuma. And just a few weeks (or months?), Gayuma was back in business. I learned earlier from one of the waiters that they just had their official opening last Saturday.

The place looked artsy-fartsy with a lot of girly vibe in it. For one, the walls were painted with flowers and love messages/quotes. It has a very homey vibe, the kind that makes you feel that you can stay there for hours just talking to friends. And it's actually big, well compared to other restaurants I've visited along Maginhawa. They're building a second floor to accommodate more diners. But while that part of Gayuma was still under construction, the first floor and the al fresco area were already available. I like the first floor more than the al fresco, but Z joked that the open area could be a make out spot since it was dimly lit. Haha.

I initially looked forward to the ambience of the restaurant more than their food. Reading the menu was actually a fun thing to do. They've been very creative in coming up with names and descriptions for their food, so plus points for that. I ordered the 7th Chinoy in Heaven while Z ordered... I forgot. Haha! Basta it was chicken topped with cheese and mushroom and herbs. I'm sorry, I was too busy choosing my own food. It took a while for the food to be served, but we kept ourselves busy looking through the novelty items they were selling.

Finally, food arrived. Hay, no pictures. :( My chicken was really big; I wasn't even sure if it was chicken or pigeon. Hmmm. The thinly sliced fried camote (I think they were camote) tasted like fries, and can actually be very filling. I like the saltiness that comes along with it. The chicken had a tangy taste in it, and wasn't just your normal fried chicken. But what I really liked was the rice! Chorizo/longganisa with mushrooms tasted sweet and salty. It can actually be a meal in itself. It seemed a good deal for less than 250pesos. Z's chicken tasted okay too, but mine tasted better. Haha. Next time I'll try the cream dory with cocoa.

For dessert, we tried the Beats Sex Any day cake. It's moist chocolate with butterscotch and cream on top. Maybe it's just me, but the cake tasted too sweet for me. But I did like that the chocolate tasted so moist, kind of like the melt in your mouth thing.

I seriously want to try the other restaurants along Maginhawa. I like the idea that most of the restaurants I've visited brings out the frustrated foodie in me and that most of them really value the 'art' in their own restaurants.

Thursday, August 05, 2010

Leftover Strawberries and Oranges

Busy day today. I was juggling two heavy bags to school today. I had to bring all the props/costumes I needed for the photoshoot we had for one of my psych classes. (Yes, psych gets interesting sometimes.) The theme of the shoot was food! I was super excited when I went to Rustan's Katipunan yesterday to shop for food I might need. Grocery shopping is one of the best therapies I've discovered, sometimes even better than shopping for new clothes.

So for our shoot, I brought...
Oranges and strawberries! :) (Forgive the poor quality of my camera) I was assigned to bring strawberries, but I couldn't resist buying oranges. They just look so juicy and pulpy! You should've seen the orange pulps in those oranges. The fruits section of Rustan's is my absolute favorite. And because this photo of Saleisha from ANTM looked really pretty. Hihi

I'll post some of the pictures Z took soon. I'm really excited about this report. I think our group outstretched what our professor meant by creative presentation. Haha.

Did I mention it's going to be one long and sad weekend? Hay. Imma get back to eating my fruits and reading Kant.

Tuesday, August 03, 2010


I want to have breakfast at Cravings sometime soon.

Or maybe at Kenny Rogers?

I really think breakfast is the most important meal of the day and can actually be the meal all day. That's why I appreciate restaurants that serve all-day breakfast.

Monday, August 02, 2010

Avocado Ice Candy

Today was a really sad day, mainly because of the Philo long test which I seriously was not prepared to answer by the way. I forgot how it felt to write a one-page essay in less than an hour. I ended up spacing out/thinking for more than twenty minutes that I simply crammed my answers. I don't even know whether those crammed words I wrote earned me a few points or not. Oh hayz. I walked home holding back my tears because I promised myself I will not cry over my grades anymore, or at least not after every freaking exam. So I was walking walking when I saw an old man eating ice candy - avocado flavor! :D I love avocado flavored ice cream, especially the ones made by Arce Dairy. I went to National Bookstore Katipunan and got myself ice candy for only 10 pesos! Yum yum! Easy pick-me-upper for me. But aside from avocado flavored ice candy, here are some other things I consider as easy pick-me-uppers:

He was really adorable from 500 Days of Summer and seeing him with the GQ vibe in Inception just made JGL much much cuter.

Tumblr saves me from sleeping. It's always a surprise what you'll see when you turn the next page. Cute little babies will be always be an instant reblog.

There are days like today when I just don't care and eat whatever I want. Carbs, specifically rice, is a sinful comfort food. Box O Rice adds more sin since it cooks rice with lots and lots of margarine. I love their Sisig and Chicken Misono.

What's your instant pick-me-upper?

Sunday, August 01, 2010

Awesome Weekend

This is my first post in a few weeks/months of being in hiatus. I've had a number of attempts to try and create a post, but then I get lazy or distracted of something that seemed more interesting. But this time, I really want to post because I've just had one of the most awesome weekends in my senior year. Just so we're clear, my timeline for the weekend starts right after my Philo class in Friday afternoons until 7PM of Sunday night. The weekend started with the movie SALT and Thai Chicken chop dinner. Awesome movie partnered with awesome and cheap food. Buffalo wings would have been good too.

Saturday was a day of being high, as in serious clean high. Chocolate can really give you that extra boost everyone needs once in a while. Aside from all the energy that everyone who came to Kythe's Family Day had, it felt like a proud and humbling moment for me. To see my kids aka my project heads just dancing and joking around made me feel giddy with happiness. It makes me happy to know they were having a good time, just as any mommy would feel to see her kids when they open the presents they want for Christmas, that kind of happiness. Sobrang nakakakilig pala yung ganun na feeling.

And I thought I'd get a chance to study after two nights of pure fun. Nat. My little sister came over and then we headed to Megamall for some sisterly bonding. I love having trips to the mall with my siblings; we get to eat wherever we want without having to worry that food will taste bad. Today's choice was Racks! After a really really heavy lunch, we went straight to Forever21. Before, my friend and I don't really get the whole F21 craze, but today, I realized what those lookbook girls meant. Crazyyyy! Pretty clothes everywhere that you don't even know where to start. We spent almost 2 hours inside the store just looking and trying out clothes. I feel bad for overspending and actually using up next week's allowance. I'm back to bringing baon to school for this week. Oh hayz.
But weekend's over, time to settle down and review Philo. Dear Lord, please help me tomorrow and please, maybe somewhere down there in my subconscious, a lawyer-like alter will emerge. Just for Philo at least.