Thursday, November 04, 2010

Overnight Art Project

Aside from working and surfing the Internet, perhaps I've spent most of my sembreak babysitting my little sister. From watching a cheesy Filipino movie to juggling 15 little girls in a crowded mall, I can say that it's actually been a very interesting break for me. On one of our quality time nights, my sister asked me to help her design an old wine bottle for her school project. Now who the heck assigns a major requirement the day before the submission?! In college, any crazy professor who does is sure to receive tons of letters of complaints in his or her pigeonhole. It's crazy! But I am in awe how my sister does not panic at all by this "major" class requirement.

So we decided to go for an ocean-y vibe since their class theme was nature. Actually, this is not my own original idea as it was inspired by another brand I saw in school before. I pretty much did all the work with my sister trying her hands at double-sided tape. I was never fond of tapes since you tend to waste a lot of it and because they're too stiff for me, not as flexible as my trusty glue stick. But we all know glue doesn't stick to glass right? Anyway, here's our masterpiece!

Monochromatic blue waves

Amazing stuff you can find at National Bookstore

Cotton =))

Not bad for an overnight brainstorming and execution, eh?

To be honest, spending most of my free time with my sister made me feel that I can have a future as a teacher. My parents will not like this at all, but I can now see myself as a preschool or elementary teacher in a few years. I like the feeling of having to be responsible (somehow) of a little girl or a little boy's future.

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