Friday, October 29, 2010

Sembreak Chill

I've been a very lazy bum this break. I told myself I'd blog more since I'll be having more free time, but we all know that never works during sembreak. Anyway, here are a few of the things that I've been doing for the past two weeks.

Med school applications

I realized how difficult and tedious it is to apply for schools all over again. I don't remember applying for college to be this hard. Hayayay, and I only a little more than a month to finish everything. The future is really really scaring me out now, and I'm not even a little prepared for this.
Star Wars marathon

Everyone knows I was never a Star Wars kid. I never bothered watching the whole six episodes before, and so I wonder why the heck I'm allotting more than 12 hours (one episode is two hours long) just for a bowl of double-fried chicken. Those wings better be good.

To be honest, I'm having a hard time to keep up with my viewing because I seriously fall asleep in what's supposed to be the climax of the film. Hahaha.

Stage Zero: Beat Cancer!

Cooking up a party with two other orgs from DLSU. It's hard planning for an event when you're supposed to be on break. Work never seem to stop, but I'm not complaining. This is pretty fun, I miss having to worry about budget and logistics.

Tourist vibes

The four-day trip to BKK was indeed very interesting. Channeling my tourist-y vibes in the pictures. I'll do a following on this trip soon. I'm too lazy to upload my own pictures. Maybe next week or the week after that. But seriously, nothing could be greater than drinking coco water or milk tea while strolling around a flea market and then a few minutes later you're holding little plastic bags full of clothes and shoes you're not even sure why you bought in the first place.

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