Monday, November 29, 2010

Making Room for New Ones

I went home to Batangas for the long weekend, which meant a bit of shopping in store for me. We decided to check out the St. James the Great Christmas Bazaar at AAV yesterday.

I managed to buy a few nifty finds. Although not very cheap, the ones I bought looked really cute and interesting.

Brown flats from Entrada
This pair's actually not from the bazaar. My mom picked them up for me when she visited Liliw, Laguna a few weeks ago. They look very easy to pair with anything no?

Beige suede flats from MCYX
This is somehow a result of my impulsive buying. We were about to leave when I spotted this stall and figured that I haven't bought much stuff yet from the bazaar. I hastily picked my size not thinking the material can easily stain from dust and mud. And I'm the type of person who doesn't like to wash her shoes even if they look very dirty already. Plus, my feet look really fair on these shoes.

Owl Connector Ring
At first, I told myself I wouldn't ride this cocktail ring fad, but I saw this really cute connector ring that gave me a Hedwig vibe. The decision was to buy it only because I don't have any cocktail rings yet and this one is a good way to start a collection.

Sunshine Cocktail Ring
This was too expensive for me, but the color really struck me I had to buy it. Medyo masikip and masakit sa finger, but looks cute no? Very eye-catching. But I think, the collection has to end here. I really don't know where to wear these rings.

Cupcake Notepad
Probably the best one I bought from the bazaar. I'm deciding on whether I should use it or just save the sheets since they're too cute to be written on. I wanted to buy more, but I was with my dad when I bought this. He'd tell me we have lots of papers, in different sizes and colors, for me to use at home.

It was fun spending the weekend de-stressing. Why did I not realize earlier how good it feels to go home and just forget the tons of readings and problems I have back in Katipunan? I think I should go home more often.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

On Matters of Death and Cellphones

I've always wondered how other people would react or feel after I die or disappear, and today I saw the future.

In my excitement to come to school early for my Cellular and Molecular Biology class, I left my two phones at home. This wasn't the first time that I've done this; it has happened twice or thrice already this year. So when I realized that I wasn't able to bring my phones to school, I thought to myself, wala naman magtetext sakin, so I didn't feel the need to go back home and get them.

Little did I know that my mom has already left me with more than 20 messages and more than 50 missed calls from each phone. She has contacted almost everyone she knew from my circle of friends, both high school and college. My brother and sister also helped in trying to locate me or even one of my friends. They were able to contact my landlord and asked her to open my room and see if there's someone or something there that could possibly say where I could be.

While all of this was happening, I was busy running errands for school and spending most of the day walking and commuting for thesis work. I did not realize at all that everyone else was panicking, thinking I was already dead, or kidnapped, or gone missing. I got home around 7:10PM after my Literature class, and saw all these messages and missed calls.

A part of me feels good that I have a family that cares for me, worries about me, and remembers me. I'm thankful for the friends who panicked and helped my parents to look for me. But a greater part of me feels awful for being very careless and for not bothering to text my mom that I'll be coming home late today and that I forgot to bring my phones with me.

And so I realized, I don't want to die without having to say goodbye or without seeing the people who mattered the most to me. I don't want the kind of death that doesn't prepare you - a swift death. I'd rather go through a slow death; although painful, it gives me the chance to savor every last moment I can possibly have with my loved ones. And so today, I realized the value of having a cellphone and making sure it's always with me. Funny how most of our lives now depend and circulate on these little inventions.

Bad day #2 just beat yesterday's bad day #1. Please please dear God, these bad days cannot go on foreveeer.

Monday, November 22, 2010


In spite of the very filling breakfast I've had today along with two cups of coffee, I was feeling really lazy and gloomy today. I'm not so sure why I'm feeling this way today. I'm not even bothering to think of reasons for my mood today. Too lazy even to think or analyze. A friend suggested that I have to go soul-searching as soon as possible, but my immediate reaction was that I don't have the time to that. I need results asap! I need it now! Hay life. I hope tomorrow won't feel as gloomy. I really need to do something. I feel like I've been idle for the past two weeks, too idle to even stand up and do something new.

The only thing that got me through today was signing up for Friday's Bike Run.

I'm kinda scared since it's been months since I last rode my girly bike and because I've never actually biked with other people. Oh well. I hope it'll be fun! I'm excited!

Help me find a new hobby!!!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Waste Management

Friday was no holiday for me. My thesismates and I decided to grab the chance to go to the different schools to conduct interviews with the program directors of the wast management program. I would say it has been a very productive Friday as we were able to cover two schools in one day, UST and Miriam College.

Materials Recovery Facility of MC

MC's very organized waste disposal scheme

Pat on her very first motorized pedicab ride

Pile of garbage

UST's garbage bins

Obviously very inefficient :(

I did not foresee that we'll be going to the dump sites of the school as part of our thesis. Garbage bins, yes, but not the place where the maintenance crew would pile all the school waste. Nonetheless, it was actually pretty exciting to see how our thesis is finally taking shape. From 3 out of the 5 schools that we were supposed to interview, we can already see the big differences in terms of planning, execution/implementation and effects of the waste segregation program to the schools. I can't wait for the FGD's that we'll be having sometime in late November and December.

For other news, my Christmas tree is already up! I designed this one during one of our visits to National Children's Hospital earlier this week. Like it? :)


That was a very boring post, wasn't it? I feel bad that I've been turning this blog into a photo blog instead of a place where I write down my uncensored thoughts. Maybe it was the camera that somehow lured me into posting lots of pictures and less text. Whatever was the reason why I am writing less and letting the pictures speak for me, I figure it's not the best way to convey my message, especially because my pictures are not the best ones you can see in the web. So, I've decided maybe I should write more and upload less pictures and only pictures of sensible and worth-seeing. Here's to hoping for more word vomit in the succeeding posts!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Sisters' Night Out

In celebration of today's holiday, I called up my sister from UST and told her to stay over at my place so we can eat out and have some sisterly fun. But since I got out of school a bit late and because there was a transport strike going on in the major roads around the city, I decided to take her somewhere more quiet and less crowded. I couldn't think of a nicer place than Maginhawa St. and last night's choice was Gayuma ni Maria.

Meet my sister! :)

Very cute tablecloth design

Rock My Baby: Pork Barbecue Ribs with Mashed Potato

I've always been a fan of the ribs and mashed potato combo. I was happy to see that this item on the menu is finally available. When I saw my food, I was quite surprised to see the weird redness of the sauce. Maybe it was the warm white light that made it look red, but the picture does not lie. It was really red, like wine red? But the taste was not even close to tasting like wine sauce, but more of hot sauce. I like hot sauce but this one doesn't look very appetizing for me, especially because the hot sauce overpowered the barbecue sauce. The mashed potato was however very delightful.

Beef Pot Pie

Sister got this beef pot pie which turned to be extremely oily. She didn't even get to finish this meal. :(

After dinner, we decided to check out the new spa named Silong Spa beside Gayuma. From the outside, it looked like an old Filipino house decorated with Christmas lanterns, but when we entered, the place looked so much bigger. The interiors were very cozy and clean. We checked out the rates and the prices for the services actually seem very reasonable.

Lobby and Waiting Area

We both got the swedish massage with tea tree oil and lavender oil. We were the only customers during that time so the receptionist offered us to take the VIP room with no extra charge. Although they didn't have a sauna room, I was pleased that they provided a shower room for people like me who aren't very comfortable with having a massage without taking a shower beforehand.

After the massage, we were given Silong juice aka Calamansi juice. I'm not complaining though because the one-hour massage for only P300 seemed worth it. I'll probably go back here to try out the other services.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Into the Wild Part 2

More animals!


You see, a tortoise is a land animal while a turtle lives in water. Never knew it was like that before. Haha!


I swear, I was so happy when I saw this pygmy hippo. I felt like a part of my life has been fulfilled. I've never seen one before, and I thank the Korean god for giving me the chance to see one alive.

Black piglets



These are scary fishies :O Super big and super scary. Although they don't have teeth, they still manage to engulf chicken heads without any problem. What makes these creatures scarier is the sound they make when they swallow the food. And why have I never heard of these fishes before? A movie like Piranha 3D should be made for these arapaimas, they're really really scary.

Cheetah? Leopard? Jaguar?

I really don't know O_O I already learned to differentiate them when we were there, but I forgot now.



There were other animals like crocodiles, geckos, tigers, pigs, donkeys *gasp* but I figured they weren't as interesting as the ones you see above. It was a really great experience for me and I know Kyle, Daniel (my Korean partner) had as much fun that I had. I wish Kythe would come up with more field trips because I will definitely go. Weee.

Into the Wild

With only three and a half hours of sleep, I pulled myself out of bed yesterday to prepare for Kythe's Into the Wild.

For more than a month, some of the officers prepared a field trip to Avilon Zoo for the kids from NKTI and NCH. And because kind Koreans approached our org and were willing enough to shoulder most of the expenses for the field trip, we didn't think there was no reason for us to back out.

I was reunited with my baby girl Kyle from NCH.

Also met my Korean partner who toured with me and Kyle for the whole two hours

I was never a fan of animals or of the zoo for that matter, but Avilon Zoo has so many animaaaals! As in animals I've never even seen or heard of before. I felt so uncultured that I didn't even know what their names were or how to distinguish a leopard from a jaguar, or a tortoise from a turtle. Hanggang cat and dog lang kasi sa Batangas O_O

Peacock peacock

Feeding the guinea pigs!

Little ducklings!

I also saw swans, both white and black but then we didn't have time to take their pictures. :( That was the first time that I saw a black swan in my entire life.

Ram = male goat :>

The ones I showed aren't the highlight of the tour, patikim pa lang yan.

Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Remember Today

Because today, like any other person in this world who had loved and lost in the end, I was not saved from the pain. But I promise myself, I will get better and find someone or something truly deserving of what I have to give.

All I have to just get back up. Tomorrow has to be amazing.


11/11/10: Who's going to wake me up now when I take my evening naps? :(

Sunday, November 07, 2010

Sundays at Cafe Xocolat

Sunday has always been a very special day for me ever since I studied in Ateneo. Living alone gives me the freedom to spend my Sunday in any way I like. Before, I'd go to the mall and walk around or jog in the morning around the school and enjoy a nice brunch by myself.

I've been taking review classes for the coming NMAT every Sunday from 8AM-5PM, so I haven't found the time to go the mall or even jog. Nonetheless, I try to wake up early so I can enjoy a hearty breakfast before heading to the review center. During our one-hour lunch break, I'd always go to Cafe Xocolat along B. Gonzales to grab a bite.

For today's lunch, I ordered their Herbed Chicken Panini. I've always been a rice meal kind of person when it comes to lunch, but I figured I'd try this out.

Herbed Chicken Panini Php 165

It was surprisingly very filling. I found myself falling asleep while the teacher was discussing biochemistry during the afternoon's review. But then again, I think I'd still choose the Xocolat Chicken Pasta over this one.

Btw, did you notice the sudden improvement in my photos? Hihihi finally got my dad's old Sony Cyber-shot. It's not the best in its field, but definitely better than my phone's crappy camera.

Thursday, November 04, 2010

Overnight Art Project

Aside from working and surfing the Internet, perhaps I've spent most of my sembreak babysitting my little sister. From watching a cheesy Filipino movie to juggling 15 little girls in a crowded mall, I can say that it's actually been a very interesting break for me. On one of our quality time nights, my sister asked me to help her design an old wine bottle for her school project. Now who the heck assigns a major requirement the day before the submission?! In college, any crazy professor who does is sure to receive tons of letters of complaints in his or her pigeonhole. It's crazy! But I am in awe how my sister does not panic at all by this "major" class requirement.

So we decided to go for an ocean-y vibe since their class theme was nature. Actually, this is not my own original idea as it was inspired by another brand I saw in school before. I pretty much did all the work with my sister trying her hands at double-sided tape. I was never fond of tapes since you tend to waste a lot of it and because they're too stiff for me, not as flexible as my trusty glue stick. But we all know glue doesn't stick to glass right? Anyway, here's our masterpiece!

Monochromatic blue waves

Amazing stuff you can find at National Bookstore

Cotton =))

Not bad for an overnight brainstorming and execution, eh?

To be honest, spending most of my free time with my sister made me feel that I can have a future as a teacher. My parents will not like this at all, but I can now see myself as a preschool or elementary teacher in a few years. I like the feeling of having to be responsible (somehow) of a little girl or a little boy's future.