Wednesday, October 03, 2007

counting the days

eight more days and i will be finished with my first semester.
eight more days and i will be packing my clothes back home again.
eight more days and i will be sitting in the cashier, giving change to customers.
eight more days and i will not have to budget my food anymore.
eight more days and i will be able sleep without thinking of what to do the next day.
eight more days and i will be reading my unread books.
eight more days and i will be writing my unwritten blog posts.
eight more days and i will be eating food i have longed missed.
eight more days and i will be strolling around the near mall windowshopping.
eight more days and i will be saving money for christmas.
eight more days and i will be thinking of eight more days before going back to school.
eight more days and i will not be seeing my blockmates, english and real.
eight more days and i will be losing more hours of internet.
eight more days and i will not be cramming homework and papers.

eight more days.

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