Friday, April 08, 2011

Children of Poseidon

I am now tanned with only my face, neck and tummy revealing what is left of my fair skin.

The official after-college beach trip finally pushed through with Kythe friends and extended friends. This time around, we decided to go to a more quiet and less crowded resort in Morong, Bataan. I’ve never heard of Morong, Bataan before nor have I gone anywhere up north aside from Nueva Ecija (for school purposes).

We left around 4 in the afternoon from Katipunan heading straight then eventually losing our way to the resort since it was scary dark outside already by the time we got to Bluzan Resort. It took us around 4 hours to reach the place, with a few wrong turns here and there. And for the rest of the time, we were free and willing!
It felt so good baking myself under the sun for three straight days. I didn’t care to put on sunblock. I didn’t even mind staying under the 12 o’ clock sun. I was seriously sweating like a pig, but it felt really really gooood. I think sunbathing had to be the best part of this trip for me, especially the times when we’d wake up around 6AM and stay under the sun until lunch time!

But aside from frying up our skin under the sun, I also did some serious cooking in Bataan. People I know would know that I never cook. I don’t like and never knew how to cook, well aside from the easy pancit canton and maybe hotdog and eggs. Other than that, I can never cook to save my life. However, for this trip, waiting for food to appear did not seem like the wise decision, so to the dirty kitchen I went. A was such a good cook that she can actually cook everything for everyone, but you know, I had to be useful. Hihi. But can I just say that cooking for three straight days for three meals each day is not the best way to spend my vacation? As much as I want to learn how to cook, the beach is definitely not the best venue.

  And of course, a beach trip will never be complete without a bonfiyaaah! Maybe I was expecting too much (due to my Ateneo Victory Bonfire experiences) for a grand bonfire because the one we had in Bataan was clearly disappointing. After five minutes of burning fire, the fire was almost out with no more wood to burn. Good thing there was still some flame left enough for us to roast some marshmallows and hotdogs.

Thank you Morong, Bataan for the beautiful beach and for the windy nights. I realized how it feels really good to surround myself with the people that would forever be significant in my life. A few years or even a few months from now, things will be different. I might not see all of them anymore, I might not even be as close to everyone, but I’m happy to know that for a few days, these people and I shared a small universe and I guess for now, that is enough.

Photo Credit: Patricia Lim 

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