Monday, April 11, 2011

I Love to Ride My Bicycle

Because I had the rest of the day off from family work duties, I decided to go home early with my little sister and to ride my bicycle for the rest of the afternoon.

 My girly bike was in no condition to run, so I used this one instead

It’s been a long time since I last rode my bike that it wasn’t much of a surprise to find out the tires were already flat. All three bicycles had flat tires :( but thanks to my sister’s friendly neighbor, I was able to fix the tires and tried to burn some summer fat. Because I have practically spent a huge chunk of my adult life being surrounded by kids, I no longer find it hard to talk to them or to just listen to their conversations. For the rest of the afternoon, I listened to my sister and her friend’s conversations about bicycles, Nickelodeon shows, Harvest Moon, and even revenge. Sometimes, it’s relaxing to be with a group of kids and just listen to how they see things from a very naïve and carefree perspective. For an afternoon, I didn’t have to worry about medical school deadlines, friends going far far away or the future basically.

Meet our neighbor! 

I like what my sister nonchalantly said earlier while we were by the swing set. She said, “Never stay at the back of the swing. It’s a safety violation.” I mean, it’s really simple when you take it for what it is, but somehow, this pseudo-adult mind of mine is telling me there could be a deeper sense into this line my sister borrowed from one of her cartoons.

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