Wednesday, December 20, 2006

the girl who will be the next becky bloomwood

becky bloomwood is just so fab! i really can't get enough of her. i have been so addicted with her that i would trade dinner over finishing the 4th sequel of her shopping adventures! gawd, i so love sophie kinsella for being such a genius and thought of creating a character like becky.

so what exaclty am i talking about? ok, here's a little info about who rebecca bloomwood is. she was a financial journalist turned personal shopper. so the title of the first book tells it all, "confessions of a shopaholic". becky is a certified shopping addict, she is the goddess of all gods and goddesses of shopaholics. she can't resist the temptation of buying everything she lays her eyes on. from clothes to shoes to bags to luggage and even to oh well, pretty much everything! she has this kind of thought that when she buys this something she'll be remembered as the woman with the, let's say, her infamous Denny & George scarf (oh, i so love that scarf). she tends to go beyond borders on almost everything, shopping, dreaming and as well as getting her way through her problems. that's about it, i don't want to be such a spoiler. you better buy the first one, or better yet, buy all four like what i did! you're so gonna love it. you'll laugh, cry, get angry, and simply adore all those stuff she buys.

why i love it? simply because i can totally relate on how she feels whenever she sees something she likes, except that she pretty much gets it, while i don't. poor me. anyway, i'm kind of the impulsive shopper too. i buy something when i find it cute not realizing i don't really need to buy one. i have been so careless on buying things with not my own money, but mt mom's. well, she never complains about it so i thought it was okay. i soon realized it wasn't okay. i have been wasting money over a 400 peso faddish bracelet while my parents are working just to earn that money. i don't want to end up having huge problems like becky, huge enough to ruin her life not only once just because of not controling herself in shopping. but i do want to be like becky. i want to be brave enough to face the problems that come my way. i want to learn from the mistakes i have done. i want to be in debt yet still manage to get my way out of it. i want to send stupid letters to bank managers with some weird excuses for not paying my debts. i want to marry a guy named luke brandon who owns a big time PR company in new york and london. i want to get married in The Plaza and at the comfort of my own backyard. i want to travel the whole world with my husband for our honeymoon. i want to be a personal shopper at Barney's. i want to have a best friend named Suze and spend lots of fun and make over nights with her.i want to have a sister named jess who doesn't have anything common with me. i want to go shopping almost everyday and spend millions od pounds and dollars on shopping. i want to have my own Angel bag bought in Milan. i want to be remembered as the girl obsessed with rebecca bloomwood or better yet as the second beck bloomwood.

oops! i kind of gone overboard. i know i am not supposed to share much, but i guess you have gotten some hinches already about the books. anyway, i am now waiting for the fifth book, Shopaholic & Baby. i don't want to dare miss this one. i have to buy it, i just have to. i hate to wait until february. ugh. that's like---counting---two whole months! if only anybodu could manage to get me the book earlier. hmmm. but patience is a virtue. i know i will soon get my hands on the fifth book.

soooo excited....

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