Tuesday, September 26, 2006


finally, i'm on my last draft for my vietnam-phil essay. after long weeks of agony, i finally am ready to submit my work to DepEd. it feels good that somehow, i am able to accomplish something i didn't know i can do. hihi. let's party. the only thing missing are the tickets to vietnam. haha. asa pa.

i am wishing. wishing that we'll be together tomorrow, at least for two hours. as we choose the same path to take, how come we still can't meet? i do wish that finally, tomorrow, i can see you. at least see you, i'm not even wishing that you'll talk to me. i just want to stay in the same place with you. call me stalker, but i am wishing, desperately. oh God, i am becoming very pathetic. please grant this wish, a very simple wish, but why can't it come true? why can't fate bring us together?
*forget this. i just realized this paragraph is very senseless. very pathetic. even more pathetic than wishing for something. so what if we didn't stay in the same room nor talked to each other, i got the chance to greet you and that's enough. i don't want to be branded as a stalker.

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