Wednesday, September 27, 2006

love letter for the rain

dearest milenyo:

what can i say? you really made my day. moving at 13 km/h west, northwest of samar, you contiuously approach the tagalog region including me. haha. you immediately caught my attention with your "slowly but surely" strategy, 13 kph, quite slow for a toughie like you. anyway, i would like to express my deepest gratitude to you. you managed to erase all the stress in my head even for a while. i sure need a rest and finally, you answered my prayer. i am loving you now, milenyo. hehe. and may you continue to show your "kindness" by trying to stay here in the tagalog region longer, how about one more day? it will be truly appreciated. one reminder though, try not to be too harsh on us and keep some distance for you might hinder me from doing my "resting agenda" for tomorrow; read, shopping at sm. haha. thanks again.

loving the rain,

Tuesday, September 26, 2006


finally, i'm on my last draft for my vietnam-phil essay. after long weeks of agony, i finally am ready to submit my work to DepEd. it feels good that somehow, i am able to accomplish something i didn't know i can do. hihi. let's party. the only thing missing are the tickets to vietnam. haha. asa pa.

i am wishing. wishing that we'll be together tomorrow, at least for two hours. as we choose the same path to take, how come we still can't meet? i do wish that finally, tomorrow, i can see you. at least see you, i'm not even wishing that you'll talk to me. i just want to stay in the same place with you. call me stalker, but i am wishing, desperately. oh God, i am becoming very pathetic. please grant this wish, a very simple wish, but why can't it come true? why can't fate bring us together?
*forget this. i just realized this paragraph is very senseless. very pathetic. even more pathetic than wishing for something. so what if we didn't stay in the same room nor talked to each other, i got the chance to greet you and that's enough. i don't want to be branded as a stalker.

Sunday, September 24, 2006


am i? i don't know. i think i am.

tomorrow's the big pictorial day and i feel anxious. i just got my costume for tomorrow and i then realized, i don't actually look good on it. the top is too big. the colors don't really match and to top it all off, i don't look pretty! mukhang th.

i swear. i may be overreacting but i think it's true. worse, i keep on thinking that my classmates will all look good while i'm the one left ugly. i've given some cute ideas for their pics and even offered bringing things they could possibly need, leaving my own picture unattended.

i just hope they'll help me get through my costume. i mean, i helped them, don't i deserve some help too?

good luck on my stupid rag doll idea.

Friday, September 22, 2006

too excited

yeah, i am, definitely. too excited for our grad picture taking. we are the first class to have our pictures taken and i don't have any idea on what will happen. we were scheduled for a two hour pictorial. and i'm just wondering, how on earth can we finish in two hours?! a formal picture plus a creative one multiplied by 45 students. how's that?!

creative picture. i am taking this one seriously. i even bought new clothes and made patahi pa. i want it to be perfect and i do hope it will be. this is my first grad pic, i have to look good. the whole la salle will see me in the year book and i don't want to look stupid. by the way, for the creative pic, i'll be like a doll. you know those dollies little girls used to play with? that sort of stuff. with all the baby clothes and pink cheeks and big bows and all. haha. i wonder how i'll look like. hmmm.

and i wonder? how did i end up with a doll picture? i don't know either. it just looks cute. haha. maybe that's the only reason i can think of. haha.

***oh, and by the way again. my v3i's still broken. huhu. poor me. so that means, no picture sessions with nhet on monday. huhu. sayang. ***

Sunday, September 17, 2006

when life gives you lemons

i'm depresed. know why? my phone broke. yep motorola v3i phone broke. huhu. it has been two days since it gave up. and i still haven't told my dad about it coz i know he's going to kill me when he finds out! omg, so what will i do?

it started yesterday when my dad gave me his old sun sim card. ako naman si tanga, too excited, i immediately tried the sim card on my phone. and so that's it. the end of my phone. after i put back my tm sim card, there was no longer a signal. tension starts. well, i was kind of optimistic pa at first, i thought maybe there was problem on the network and not on my phone. the day ended with my phone not having any signal. until now, it still doesn't have any signal even if i try using other sim cards. damn.

how can i tell my dad about it?! i only got this phone for 3 months, sira na agad. God, i am burara. oh no.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

latest skin

ok it's very obvious. i've got a new layout here. much different from the first one that's full of light colors and girly stuff. now's much different. aside from the darker shades, everything else seems gloomy, but still with a touch of girly-ness.

it reflects my personality. the first skin, nothing but a fairy tale, reflects my dreamer side, my thoughts and imagination. however, due to recent events, i ahd no choice but to, uhhmm, end the fairy tale. the lay otu no longer implies my personality. reality already fetched me and told me it's time to wake up from my dream. face the real world.

and now here i am. though no longer living in a fairy tale, i am more confident. confident to say that i am, yes, beautiful. sounds mayabang. yeah i know. i dont pertain the physical beauty here you know. i have grown to be a more matured person, no more games, no more fooling around. i have learned to appreciate what i ahve within and tried to make it come out of its shell and let it bloom. simultaneously, i bloom as well.

i am beautiful. saying these words reduces my anger from a very bad day. they make me feel that somewhere within me, i have something to be proud of. try it. be confident to tell the world that you are beautiful. believe me, saying i am beautiful, even to yourself, really helps lighten the burden.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006


i finished my essay. well almost. i only need any bad news report about vietnam. an anyone who can give me one will forever be loved! ;)

after 3 hours and 36 minutes of staying in front of the computer, i did it! i know i didn't do so well on my essay (i'm being frank here), i really don't care anymore. finishing it is already an achievment for me. i'm not expecting to win a trip for two to vietnam, i'm expecting a lot of red marks when i get it back from miss samonte, a lot of revisions! i don't care, at least, some dulce was present in my work. yep, after tiring yet unfruitful nights, i finally learned to enjoy what i'm writing.

and now, i have this stupid cold. sniff. really hard, i'm not used to it. sniff.

anyway, i'm still waiting on that vietnam news!

Monday, September 11, 2006

blind itemS

you didn't even reply. i mean, yeah, i should not ask for a thank you from you or anything but i somehow expected that you'd say thanks but you didn't. napahiya lang ako. i know i shouldn't feel ashamed, why should i? i don't like you anymore, i would like to make that clear, but your reply seemed important since it's a proof that our relationship as friends is stable. guess not. anyway, have fun with your life birthday boy.

i saw you not only once, but i-can't-remember times. plus, you even called my name just to get my attention. hah, this is definitely bliss. i should be very happy coz i keep on seeing you. why wouldn't i? you stay just meters inches away from me. but ironically, i don't feel the same kilig i felt before, the feeling somehow continuously fades away, replaced by something fresher?

seeing you definitely made my afternoon better. i don't know, maybe i am kind of liking you. but you're not even handsome or have the great look he has? i don't want this feeling to get stronger because i'm not sure if this is for real. you might as well stay away from me, or let me stay away from you.

Saturday, September 09, 2006

shopping blues

this day has been a mess. i was supposed to buy a lot of things but i was not able to buy anything at all. due to the attack of the D. don't ask what D means, you don't wanna know.

first, supposedly, i'll buy na the old rose vintage top i've been dying to get. i don't know, maybe God decided i have to much clothes already. the top was gone, as in not a single one was left. when i went there last week, there were about 6 pieces pa. how could that possibly happen?! i failed to see a nice replacement too, so nothing to buy for rizelle too. sorry about that. in order to cheer myself up, i just bought a cute bracelet and a nice bag that was supposed to match my top.

the D strikes. after having dinner at yellow cab, hell started. i was having goosebumps, and breaking out into a cold sweat. i didn't know what to do, i ahd no choice but to reach for the nearest... you get the picture. after that, i requested that we go home na, so my whole shopping time in sm was ruined because of hell. i have a lot of to do's pa naman.
  • 2x2 picture for my dlsu application form
  • buy shades for intrams
  • do a favor for rizelle
  • buy a blank cd for our lipsynch
  • look for a replacement to my vintage top i realized, bad shoes and empty pockets aren't the only things that can affect shopaholics.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

last dance was supposed to be our last chance

i don't know how i should feel, i have already cried enough, i don't want to continue crying over something that already happened, something i can't change. but then again i thought what else can i do but to cry? i am a sour loser, so what? i don't care about what you say. fuck you. this was the most imperfect cherry on top of our last year in high school. really depressing. how i wish i can kick all their ass and to prove to all of them we are the best. we'll show you all. *hmph*

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

ponytails are lucky..paranoid speaks

yep, i've proven it, ponytails are indeed lucky.well for me, they are. today was such a great day, everything happened according to what i want, no bad luck or anything.

the devil celebrates her birthday... and we made it very memorable for her. for the first time in her teaching career, she said it was the first time she did nothing for an entire period. haha. really fun. but the tension was still there, was she really happy or is the devil just pretending to be happy about the wasted hour meant for a quiz, just because it was the devil's birthday? anyway, i don't really care, it was nice to get some rest though.

how to make cheesesticks... it was very unexpected that joyce and i would get perfect or even be given the chance to present our article in front. wow, i still can't believe that i'm doing good on this subject this quarter, compared to the first quarter where in english was really hell for me. i'm still in awe. ;0

'til our last dance... tomorrow's the big day and our view suddenly changed due to an advice given by one of our subject teachers. you should remember, this is your last dance, your last show to prove to them that you're the best. it struck me talaga, oo nga pala noh. all we were thinking about was winning and nothing more, but now, our purpose is to have fun and give our best, prove our unity to them all. i know everything will fall into place once we achieve this purpose. hand in hand... 'till our last dance...awww..

and again tomorrow will also be a lucky day, we're wearing ponytails! haha. i'm feeling it, and i'm wishing...

Monday, September 04, 2006

typing at unit #44, Computer Lab C

and now i have nothing to do. i'm done with my "mysongs" webpage attributed to bob marley. and now i'm updating my blog. we're not actually allowed to do this but why not? i have nothing to do and this is the most productive thing i can do for at least an hour.

anyway, my day is just starting and thank God this day has been going on smoothly. no bad omens, no faults, unlike my previous days.

vocation promotions programs. it's supposed to be an eye opener about involving ourselves to vocations and other charitable things but the talk turned out to be a boy brother watching. haha. damn, he's too cute to be a brother.

pound, pound, pound. the hammering never stops. the noise was so bad that we had to move to another room to avoid the noise pollution. i guess we'll be staying at room 203 for two more days, or until the pounding stops.

cheesesticks. the bestselling product that ever existed in the food palace. and now we're doing an article about it. how to make cheesesticks. a tribute to the food that gets me going.

unit #44. now i'm back here. typing. that's about it. nothing much about my first 5 hours in school. g2g, the goldie's smelling something fishy already. hehe.