Thursday, May 15, 2008

things to do before (and after) I turn 18

Not worrying about Intellectual Property Rights rocks. :)) :))

Do away with fancy things.

I have this certain impulse that whenever I see something cute, be it a popsicle-shaped ponytail or rainbow-colored earrings, I’d instantly buy it for a very simple reason that it looks so cute. I don’t stop and examine whether I would be using this fancy thing for a long time. Usually these fancy things of mine end up in my vanity case after being worn once or twice. This impulsive way of buying things because of shallow reasons has to stop. Not only that my ears itch or turn red when I wear fake jewelry, but also I’m wasting a lot of cash buying too many little things which if you sum up can be equal to a pair of white gold earrings.

Stop the habit of let’s-pretend-I-don’t-see-you-so-I-don’t-have-to-greet-you.

Fine, I’m guilty of purposely avoiding people just so I wouldn’t have to wave at them or say hi to them. It’s not because I don’t want to see them, it’s that feeling that what if they won’t wave back at me or worse completely forget my existence? It’s pretty embarrassing you know, to be ignored by people whom you say hello to. But I shall try to be friendlier this time, and let people see this happy side of me that I know exists.

Reading the books I bought before buying new ones.

There are a total of five books which are in my to-read list. And mind you, this list was created a year ago. No improvement, so far. Well I have started reading the first chapters, but after reaching the boring part, I usually stop and forget where I ended up. Hahaha. But I have a very good explanation why my unread books continue to pile up – when I see a book I like, I can’t help but buy it immediately (especially when I have the fund) so that I wouldn’t forget that book. Makes sense, right?

Eat balut.

I managed to eat a day-old chick, why can’t I eat even the edible part of balut? I feel so deprived not having the stomach to eat balut. I tried to eat the yellow vein-y part once, but I ended up puking it out along with my lunch.

Contribute an article for Youngblood.

I just read my cousin’s comment in my multiply telling me I should try mailing one of my blog posts to Youngblood. And honestly, I’ve been dreaming of seeing my by-line in that column of the Inquirer. Since high school, I’ve been reading Youngblood every Tuesday and Saturday and admiring these privileged people who successfully published an article. To have one of my little notes published would be the one of the greatest days of my life. I swear, if that happens, I will forever retell my Young Blood story to my children and grandchildren.

Do a style overhaul.

I’ve been too lazy to spice up my wardrobe the entire school year that I usually end up going to school wearing jeans and a simple shirt. Sure, sometimes I wear shorts or pretty shoes, but most of the time it would be that plain and boring ensemble. I know I’m not like this. Whatever happened to the girl who promised herself she would try to not repeat clothes in high school? I was this walking fashion fad in high school who always wears the latest trends and never forgets to match her earrings with her hair accessories and bracelet. I was too burned out of that fashion addiction that I chose to remain laidback, in fact too laidback in college. And whenever I would see my high school friends, they’ll be these dress-to-impress girls who can wear anything they want, while I’m the low profile girl who’s good enough with jeans. Things have change, but I figured I should do something about my wardrobe. Probably not dress to impress kind of thing, but something other than oversized shirt and bootcut jeans.

Find a crush.

It’s time to let loose. I’ve been hanging so long in finding someone to like, as in like like. But while I was walking to school today I realized that part of the reason why my days get so emo is the fact that there’s nothing to look forward to. And as my blockmate told me once, it’s very entertaining to have crushes. Probably not a serious crush, but more of a happy crush whom you enjoy daydreaming about or wondering where he could be and what he’s doing. You know, that kind of crush that whenever you see him, you’d say ‘Wow, he looked into my eyes (even if he actually didn’t). My day’s complete’. I’d like that, and so begins my journey of finding a happy crush.

Do not lower your own self-esteem or pity yourselves by asking ‘why am I not pretty?’, ‘how come no one has courted me for years?’, and ‘out of 8 billion people, will there be someone who will like me and fall head over heels for me?’.

No matter how much I enjoy asking these questions and taking pity on myself, I guess should stop. As the law of Attraction dictates, nothing will happen if I continue to believe nothing will happen. Rely on fate and let nature take it course. I am pretty (well at least pretty enough to be this proud) and I know someone will take notice of me and take a double, wait no, triple look at me when I happen to pass by this lucky guy.

In contrary to my previous entry ‘fisherman’, I’m actually excited about my coming birthday. Well of course I don’t want to run around Ateneo shouting I’m turning 18 and I’m freaking excited. You know that normal level of excitement. And secretly, I’ve been planning my imaginary birthday celebration. I wanted a Greek gods and goddesses’ night in which everyone would be wearing clothes in hues of white, gold and silver. Well, too late for that now. I already decided that I wouldn’t be having a grand celebration, but I don’t know what I would be doing either. Still on planning mode. Nonetheless, however it may turn out, I just hope it would be as happy as I dreamt it would be.


Ka Pete said...

Huwag mong masyadong problemahin kung magpapadala ka sa Youngblood o hindi. Basta magpadala ka lang. Itong mga sinulat mo rito, konting polishing lang, puwede nang pang-Youngblood, sa tingin ko.

Kung ma-reject, subok uli. Ilang beses din akong na-reject noong nagsisimula pa lang.

Mia Uy said...

Salamat po. Pinag-iisipan ko rin nga po na sumubok, kaso syempre iba rin naman po ang pakiramdam kapag na-reject. :)

Pero siguro po kahit isang article susubukan ko i-apply sa Youngblood.