Tuesday, May 06, 2008

the tale of the runaway muse and the brain-lagging individual

I cannot find my muse. Do you know where it hid itself? I cannot stop and contemplate on where I must have dropped it. My mind is too busy pumping my temples and making me feel like my head’s about to explode. Migraaaaaine. I do not like migraines; well I don’t know anyone who enjoys them anyway. It prevents me from working properly and letting my right brain conquer my left brain. But then again, isn’t the right the creative while the other the logical? Don’t I need my creative mind to work? Bah, I need both to function properly or else I end up like what I have ended up now – talking about things I know I shouldn’t be blabbering about or ranting about. But isn’t “ranting” walking? Why do people like to use this word to actually refer to complaining or exasperating (whatever this word means)? They call this sickness, over-familiarity is it? Bah. I don’t know, ask my left brain. Oh wait, it’s not working anymore. The right brain tempted the partner to join it in working against me in a very unlikely moment. Stupid brains! They should never be allowed to rest or to let the much protected muse to get lost.

This is what you should do when you can't find your muse, suck out all the remaining drops of your creative juice until nothing is left. Nothing is left to function properly or sanely. Good luck.

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