Monday, January 28, 2008

random thoughts about random people

it's a monday. and i have continuously been hearing bad news from people i love. my blockmate broke up with her boyfriend. i'm not sad because her guy left her, but because i can feel how sad and depressed she was today. she's always been happy and to know that her too good of a boyfriend left her makes me want to jump up to that guy and give him a good punch. meanwhile, my other close friend excitedly told me about the offer she got from japan. if she takes this scholarship, she'd be leaving by september and then be back after four long years. i don't want her to go. people always leave. and it sucks that you can't do anything about it but whine.


nonetheless, i found a new friend to vent my feelings on. it's kind of weird and at the same time relieving that i can share something to someone without worrying about he or she would react. thanks dude. the things you told me were really comforting and err, enlightening.


when people leave, some come back. but in spite of coming back, sometimes they come back not as the same people who once left you. and we all can do is accept them despite the things they forgot to bring back home.

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