Monday, December 31, 2007

so how was your year?

hoorah for my year-ender blog entry! compared to christmas eve, i am spending new year's eve peacefully, with no parties or pahabol shopping to mind. i am currently listening to instrumentals my dad got from my aunt. in fairness, the music adds to that emotional feeling you get as the year comes to a close.

so anyway, i was thinking of a nice and creative of summarizing my 2007. i would LOVE to tell everything that i've been through from january to december, but i figured that would be too boring to read and write anyway. hmmm, i'm not in the mood to write serious-and-straightforward sounding editorials either. never mind if this post be called conyotic. >:)

okay, what is the master plan for the post? still thinking honestly. i think as i write. so before i even get to my point, the words you read are pretty much adlib. ack, terrible.

IDEA! let's start.

THINGS I LEARNED FROM 2007 *praises myself for the good(?) idea*
first let us define learn. to learn means to understand, to discover, to rediscover and to acquire.

*winners don't always get trophies. because i felt really really bitter with losing the RSPC, i forced myself to believe that winning depends on who gets what. and since i didn't get any( and still not getting any), i thought i didn't fit for that kind of field. i badly wanted to be a writer because that was the only skill i thought i could learn to love, but noooo. manuel quezon took it away from me. anyhoo, i learned to let go of that bitterness of losing. although, i still don't have any trophy or a trophy shelf, i plan to get one soon. haha

*apply as much you can in different universities. forget how much you spend on the application forms because believe me, it pays to have different choices. don't mind how hard it would be to have choices, because the good thing is, is that you have choices. i remember how hard it was for me to decide which university to choose because each school has its own pro's and con's. and in the end, i believe i still made the right decision. however, i still daydream what it feels like if i were in up or dlsu. ateneo just doesn't seem to have it all. :-<

*mag hintay ng 5 or more minutes before you get hot water from the dispenser. okay, medyo lang nabobo ako during that time. how should i know water wouldn't be hot as soon as i press the hot water switch? ayun, my cup noodles got wasted because of that. simple lesson i should've learned easily, but didn't. there are more things i learned during college, bot simple and hard lessons. the simple ones are the identification and classification of leaves and tissues, the harder lessons are those i learn outside school. along katipunan area, in the LRT or in other places around quezon city.

*you don't compare high school with college. sometimes it's very easy to say that 'colleege is like high school, awww' because it never was, never is and never will. i love both and i can't really say which one is better 'cause they're two different things.

*homesickness is a choice. i know, weird. i am a weird person myself. people keep on asking me if i miss my family in batangas or if i wish i was home instead of staying in katipunan alone. it was my choice. i chose to stay because i know i can survive. maybe not sruvive without my family, but survive homesickness. i would be too apathetic to say that i don't miss home because i DO, very much. but i know that i should learn how to live by my own and that's what i chose. if i can survive homesickness, i can conquer many others.

*internet is bad bad bad. but i can't resist : there are nights when my plans of studying are delayed or better yet, abandoned because i couldn't stop myself from using my laptop and surfing the net for senseless stuff or chatting in ym. instead of studying for long tests, i would play online games or stalk people (oops), and before i know it, it's sleeping time already. tsk tsk tsk.

*friends (and lovers) come and go. HAHA, singit lang yun lovers. friends go and still come back. i found it very hard to make new friends now that i'm in college because i can't really tell how i should move or react to something, but thankfully i made good friends. yay. as for the lovers, hmmm. singit lang talaga. pero crushes do come and then after two weeks, they wear off. time to find a new one! hahaha.

*college isn't the best chance to meet somebody. and by somebody, i meant the opposite sex. ehem ehem. strike that 'college is the perfect moment to meet your dream guy'. it would be an understatement to say that college has cute guys in store. the real deal is finding the right one, because it is never easy to find THE guy. besides, when in college, you'd rather focus on getting to the DL rather than hunting for men. (yeah right, i'm lying here haha)

*vulnerability. vulnerability to everything and not just to the opposite sex. vulnerability to new beginnings and new people. i find it very hard to let my guard down for something. i am afraid to be vulnerable only because i don't want to risk my emotions on something. nonetheless, 2007 taught me that i can never keep my walls up. time would come that i have let my hair down and let everything flow on its own.

*it really is just a small world. i don't want to elaborate this so much. HAHA. it would just be too weird. college opened doors for more people to come together and meet others you didn't know was a friend of a friend of a friend. before you know it, each one of us has this invisible string attached to everyone else. cool right?

*projection is the word. i loved this idea so much i'm reiterating it. A likes B but projects this feeling by saying that B likes C when in fact A likes B pala. cool cool noh? i wish it's just projection that could explain this feeling. :(

*hopeless romantics are universal. because whatever school you come from, there is always a hopeless romantic in you and you can never deny it. Yay for the HR's. :D

*learning how to fly never stops.

since i have made a pretty long post already, i figured i would suspend the 'things i want to learn in 2008' part for the next post. ahihihi. 'til next year! and i wish everyone of you a

HAPPY 2008!
... Enjoy the year and live it with love. Big huuuug. :D

Sunday, December 30, 2007

'how was 2007?' survey

1. What did you do in 2007 that you'd never done before?
Go to college? Haha.
Cut my hair super short. (and actually like it)
Commute alone from Batangas to QC and vice versa.
Learn how to breaststroke :))

2. Where did you study/ work?
Studied in Ateneo and Lozada Swim School

3. Did anyone close to you give birth?
If it’s a batchmate, is that considered “close”?

4. Did anyone close to you die?
I don’t think so?

5. What countries did you visit?
HK second time around :P

6. Did you move anywhere?
Moved to Katipunan for college

7. What sporting events did you go to?
UAAP games, almost every ateneo vs. la salle game :))

8. What concerts did you go to?
None :( I badly wanted to go to the FOB concert, but nooo.

9. Who was your Valentine in 2007?
None also. :( it wasn’t such a big deal anyway. HAHA

10. Did you suffer illness or injury?
illness, none I guess? Injury, nadapa ako and then ruined my pants. :))

11. What was your best month?
October, sem break :D

12. Where did most of your money go?
school, shopping and Christmas presents

13. What did you get really, really, really excited about?
Graduation of High School
Sem Break

14. What song will always remind you of 2007?
Umbrella – Rihanna
Heels over Head – Boys Like Girls
Infinity on High Album – Fall Out Boy

15. What did you do on the 4th of July?
School I think. :))

16. What were the best...

* books you read?
Train Man
Shopaholic & Baby

* movies you saw?
High School Musical 2
One more Chance :”>
Serendipity (I am so late)

* CDs you listened to?
I don’t buy CDs, I download :))

17. What do you wish you'd done more of?
go home
not cram

18. What do you wish you'd done less of?
overanalyze everything
cry over a mistake

19. How will you be spending Christmas?
in my case, “spent”. Our family went to Tagaytay. Stopped by at Sonya’s Garden and then ate lunch at Antonio’s. Church visit to the Pink Sisters and then crepe merienda at CafĂ© Breton. :)) FUUUUN

20. Did you fall in love in 2007?
Should I call it love? HAHA. Had lots of crushes though. Kilig. :P

21. How many one-night stands?
NONE, never.

22. What was your favorite TV program?
I forgot how to enjoy TV. :( But TV series, Prison Break. :x

23. Compared to this time last year, are you:

* happier or sadder?

* thinner or fatter?
fatter :((

* richer or poorer?
richer and then poorer by the end of the year. :))

24. What was your favorite summer memory of 2007?
Spending Good Friday in a BEACH. Hahaha. After more than 10 years, I saw sand and salty water again. And oh, overcoming my fear of the pool. I can swim much better now. Yay. :D

25. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
Nothing special. Turned seventeen last June 3.

26. What was your greatest musical discovery?
I discovered trance for my depression nights
Michael Buble :P

27. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?
Wentworth Miller, Simon Atkins and Chris Tiu :”>

28. Who was the best new person you met?
My Blockmates. I heart Block Y :D

29. Where were you when 2007 began and who were you with?
At home with my family of course

30. What are your plans for 2008?
Celebrate my 18th birthday in NY or in Australia
Do better in school
Have more time for myself
Be friendlier :D
Get drunk =)) =)) kidding
Join a sector based org
Go somewhere alone, anywhere will do really

Sunday, December 23, 2007

on happiness and the other things in between

Randy David’s column yesterday in The Inquirer talks of how Filipinos stay happy despite of the problems we continue to face each day. He said that it was a distinctive trait that we all possess compared to other cultures. I wish to believe that what he stated was true, that Filipinos remain jolly no matter what condition we are in. But seeing Kambas ng Lipunan video two weeks ago made me think otherwise. Could it be that what David explained in his column speaks for the upper class alone? To see the kids in the short film forced me to say that not everyone is happy, not everyone is capable of surviving and not everyone will be happy this Christmas. Filipinos may have managed to crack jokes or smile despite their problems, but those things do not necessarily mean they are happy. Maybe they were only means of escaping, even for a while, their harsh reality, but not to make things better. Where is happiness there?


It’s only two days before Christmas and I can’t feel it coming yet. The air isn’t as cold as before. Something changed. Something seemed to be missing, but I cannot figure out what it is. Nonetheless, I am forcing the whole joyous Christmas spirit into my system. What’s Christmas without being happy right? And the happy issue once again. I wonder how happiness really feels; are surveys and statistics enough to say that I am happy and you are not? I tried answering the Happy Index and got a fairly average rate for a Filipino. Different cultures have their own different happiness-es, and if I am not mistaken, the Philippines have one of the highest rates compared to other third world countries. Anyway, the survey doesn’t speak for everyone and may not be as true as it says it is.


Have a happy Christmas everyone! And as we open our presents on Christmas morning, may we all remember that there are more people out there who do not have gifts to open or a noche Buena to share. (Sorry, I had to include the last sentence, for the sake of a socially aware Christmas HAHA)

Thursday, December 20, 2007

i am emo (?)

Got this from MaryAnne. :)) :)) this survey consumed my 10-minute break from my fil essay.

[ ] You go tanning.
[x] You own a cell phone.
[ ] You own something from coach
[ ] You own something from chanel
[ ] You own something from juicy couture
[ ] You own something from louis vuitton
[x] You love/like going to the mall.
[x] You own an iPod/MP3 player.
[x] You love Starbucks. (on a lower level probably :p)
[ ] You have been called a brat.
[ ] You have tons of shoes
[ ] You hate buying things that are on sale
[x] You have more than one house
Total: 5

[ ] Black is one of your favorite colors.
[x] You have thought about death.
[ ] You wear chains.
[ ] You like heavy metal
[ ] You've shopped at Hot Topic.
[ ] You have worn black lipstick.
[x] Your hair was/is dark. stupid question
[ ] You DISlike preps.
[ ] You're an athiest/ satanist.
[ ] You have/want piercings. NO piercings please
Total: 3

[ ] You can skateboard.
[ ] You wear plaid.
[x] You like Converse.
[ ] You hate MTV.
[x] You have/had/want blue, pink, red, purple, or green hair. i secretly wondered how my hair would look if it were blue
[x] You love/like skater girls/boys. yeah, they're cool. posers, not!
[ ] You dislike pink.
[ ] You hate preps.
[x] You wear/wore skateboarding shoes.
Total: 4

[x] You love the computer. it's a basic need.
[ ] You like Star Wars. i haven't watched a single movie of it
[x] You are supposed/wore/wear to wear glasses
[ ]You get straight A's. :((
[x] You love/like reading.
[ ] You don't care what you look like.
[x] You have a curfew. minor + good kid :>
[ ] You always do your homework. always?
[x] You never miss school unless your sick.
Total: 5

[x] You are depressed sometimes. often :|
[ ] You have black-rimmed glasses. gray ones
[x] You like the band Thursday. understanding in a car crash :x
[x] You cry easily. i cry almost everytime i write.
[x] You like emo music. more than half of my songs are emo. :))
[ ] You hate being called emo.
[x] You keep/kept a journal/diary.
[ ] You have written a sad poem ain't poetic enough
[ ] You have/had a sad MySpace/Friendster layout.
[x] you think emo kids are hot Pete Wentz is hot :D
Total: 6

[ ] You like rap. it's pointless if you ask me
[ ] you are in a gang
[ ] You wear rubberbands in your pants.
[x] You swear a lot. i can't help it. :|
[ ] You have had a freestyle battle.
[ ] You have worn converse with the tongue flipped out.
Total: 1

[ ] You like loud music
[ ] You love the Ninja Turtles!
[ ] You never walk anywhere.
[x] You wear slip-on shoes.
[ ] You love Norma Jean.
[ ] You wear band t-shirts. i have one, but haven't worn it yet :)
[ ] People have called you a freak and meant it.
[ ] "hardcore" dance
[ ] Your hair has been dyed more than one color.
[x] You wear blue jeans. blue jeans = hardcore?
Total: 2

[ ] You love The OC one tree hill is love
[ ] You have/want/had a tiny/medium sized dog. i don't like pets. :(
[ ] Your usual outfits consist of bright colors.
[x] You like buying shoes
[ ] You shop at American Eagle
[x] You love/like to shop.
[x] You love jeans.
[ ] you love paris hilton
[x] Getting your nails done is a fun thing. FUUUUN :))
[x] you wear big sunglasses. i have a pair. jumped into the bandwagon.
Total: 5

[ ] You watch the Superbowl.
[x] You own track shoes or other sports related shoes.
[ ] You collect your/others jerseys.
[ ] You have/had had a special shelf for trophies and awards. i don't even have one HAHA
[ ] You have posters or plaques of famous athletes.
[ ] Your garage/shed consists of sports equipment.
[ ] You belong/belonged to a school team.
[ ] You are going/did go to a sports summer camp.
[x] You have a specific number preferred for your jersey.
Total: 2

Sunday, December 16, 2007


this picture opened me to the inevitable reality of how life has been a misery to most people, that they'd rather die than to live in hunger.

Friday, December 14, 2007

under the stars

15 is tonight's magic digits. under the stars, lying on a thin manila paper while being slowly eaten by mosquitoes, i saw 15 shooting stars. 15 white streaks of light flashed before me. after lying down on the itchy grass of SoM field, everything fell into place when the stars started to appear. the coldness or the company or the time or the homework no longer mattered, it was only the stars and my list of wishes that mattered tonight.

they said that to reveal one's wish would ruin the whole idea of the wish. i don't want to risk this thought by blurting out my wishes. i only had two wishes for tonight, one for myself and another one for the short film i saw today. both wishes seemed far off and nearly impossible. however, the former makes me smile whenever i say it in my mind while the latter depresses me even more. i asked for a sign after the 14th star that if another one comes, a nearly perfect shooting star, both wishes will come true. and subtly, the 15th appeared before my eyes only. i was relieved. i am counting on to that sign that my wishes would be fulfilled because it would be too painful for both wishes not to come true.

it was my first experience. i once envied my friend for seeing six shooting stars, but God heard me and gave me 15 stars for 15 wishes. to have 15 different wishes is too selfish. i chose to have only two strong wishes, that way, more chances for them to come true. (labo)

the coffee i had before going home is slowly sinking in, drowning all my energy. i am more than ready to sleep. but before i close my eyes, thank you kenji for the company. it felt like it was not to have a boyfriend as long as someone like you is always there to be a friend. awww. huuug.

Monday, December 10, 2007

ALL i want for christmas

because i don't want to end up having information overload, i decided to take a break from studying for my Zoology Lab LT and thought of my own christmas wish list. Yay! you have no idea how excited i am right now, i want everything! but sadly, no matter how much i want everything, i end up with almost none of the things i asked for. what's christmas without getting the stuff you want? anyway...

~iPod Nano. the sort of green one would be nice, but i'm still looking for the red one (if there is one like that). i am not so sure if that was a Nano or a Video.

~Seafoam shirt. i got so addicted with shirts bought online that i saw this really cool brand on multiply, seafoam fashion. it has those statement shirts in large fonts, the ones you usually see in AMA fairs. i want one! or two! or three!

~ODM watch, super Pinoy version. i've been wanting one for months, but still, i can't seem to save enough money to buy that watch. besides, it looks overpriced for a rubber made (?) watch.

~a new backpack. because my blockmates have been teasing me on how big my bag is. i want a new one, preferrably a JanSport.

~JACKET. it's the number one thing i want for this christmas. a hoodie would be nice, but a trench coat would be better. (who the hell wears a trench coat?!) i want one! i want one! even though i've been having this stupid "disease" of sweating like hell for the past days.

~nail polish. i want new acrylic colors. the face shop has the best colors i've seen. but but, nail art sounds cooler. :P

~books. i want to start a new collection. i want to collect all haruki murakami books.

~"downgraded" laptop. my laptop is killing me! i have to sleep late just to wait for my laptop to load. it lags every five seconds, thus doubling the time it takes me to finish my work.

~staedtler pens. they're so expensive! :( 33 pesos for a single pen. but i need those pens for my zoo lec.

more to come. HAHAHA.


~Starbucks oreo cheesecake. i want happy food. :( because my days have been so screwed up, i want to make myself happy. :-<

~Finish the Simbang Gabi. i just realized that i've never actually completed any Simbang Gabi. i want to make a wish and make that wish come true.

sorry, my day has been so sucky i just wanted to vent. i want to be happy for christmas.

Thursday, December 06, 2007

20 things to 20 people

i know this thing has long worn off already, but i felt like i wanted to do it anyway.

20 things you want to tell 20 people. i don't want to give hints, since that would ruin the whole point of the game, right? here goes.

1. i miss you guys so much. i may have days when i couldn't reply to your messages or IM you, but i hope these indifferent-sounding actions would not let us fall apart. there are days when i wished i was with you guys rather than being alone, but i know it's not as easy as i wished it to be.

2. the everyday good morning messages are my little signs that i miss you and that i want to go home. every message i send means a lot to me. i am not that sure if they mean the same thing to you.

3. i saw you grow up from an innocent baby to an annoying brat. and yet i wish you'd stay young forver, because i don't want to see you having crushes or getting kilig over the opposite sex or crying over an exam. i wish you could stay young and never go through the pains i had before.

4. we are only 40 minute train ride from each other and yet we've never had even dinner together, or a trip to the mall. i thought once i went to manila. we'd spend more time together and make up for the lost time, but we never did. stay safe, i can never watch over you all the time.

*okay, so this post is getting emotional and cheesy. apologies. :P*

5. you were part of my past that i would never look back to, ever. you were a mistake. >:)

6. i can never forget the way you treated me before. *yes, i am angry.* you were one of the reasons my childhood didn't work out so well. i promised myself i would never greet you even if i pass by you every so often.

7. and i thought we could never bring it back to normal. i thank God for bringing us together again. it was not plain coincidence, but fate. big huuuug for you.

8. i know it's not ok, but sooner or later it will be. time is the only indicator of how things will turn out. all you can do is hold on. there are people around you who love you and are waiting for you to hug them and to cry on their shoulder. i'm one of them. i know it's hard to forget what happened, but he doesn't want you to forget either. he wants you to remember him and the closeness you two once had. i love you. :)

9. the one-million dollar question, where do you guys eat? =)) =)) okay, weird. but i really want to know. i want to be friends with you guys, but i just can't because i don't know how.

10. i'm laughing about you now. i still couldn't get over the fact that i was head over heels obssessed with you. are you really that cute? HAHAHA. landi. anyway, got over you now. you got older. :P

11. hindi ka bading, hindi ako papayag. :((

12. despite how stressed i get over the things you make me do, thank you. because you gave me the chance to be something other than a nerd.

13. i just wanted to decide on my own, why is it such a big deal to all of you? is it because yo cannot get over the fact that i'm on my way to achieve something you never got?

14. i still have no idea what you mean to me. there are days when i like you and days that i just don't know. i wish that someday, you will surprise me. :-<

15. sometimes, i just wanted to leave you only because i'm getting tired of seeing you.

16. i want to meet you again and see if there can be something, anything. because i still hang on to the hope that you are my dream guy. *daydream*

17. please don't be dense. and please be man enough to accept whatever you would later on hear. you are both my friends and i don't want any of you to get hurt.

18. i need a hug. it has been years since you last gave me one. :((

19. if only had the money, i'd buy you that bag you wanted. hahaha.

20. please come home for christmas. :(