Wednesday, November 29, 2006

another love letter

we left la salle at around 6:20 and during that time i was already in my worst mood. i have so many things to accomplish tonight yet still haven't started on anything. so we waited for nothing. for 30 minutes, we waited for my sooo stupid servicemate and ended up leaving him behind na rin. i was too tired and too angry to chat with my servicemates that i just slept throughout the trip.

and then i heard an unfamiliar sound, my phone beeped. i just received a text message. arjae texted telling that there won't be any class tomorrow. wee. this is all thanks to my new lover, "reming". haha. he managed to beat milenyo. so you better wait for another love letter. anyway, i repeat. NO CLASSES. meaning, no damn physics exam. no tle exam. hoorah! sadly, there wouldn't be any practice for lyf tomorrow also. i enjoyed the previous practice. i wonder if we would make fools out of ourselves on friday. i mean, no practice=disaster, right? and there would be no presscon training too. awww, too bad.

Enclosed is my love letter. please do take time to read it.

to my dear reming,

first of all, nice name. very much pinoy. anyway, let me get straight to the point. thank you very much. you just made my day. you sure love surprises. i mean, coming to me in such short notice. but do not worry for i have prepared myself so that we can have one day to get wet and wild(?!). haha. i am expecting to enjoy myself tomorrow. so i think it would be better if you do not come so close to Batangas, specifically batangas city. please try to remember that.

let us all enjoy our day tomorrow. and thank you once again for your utmost consideration.

loving the rain more,

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