Sunday, December 14, 2008


Forgive me for not attending mass for the last three weeks that I failed to realize it’s the third week of advent already. *gasps* Pink candle symbolizes the third week right? So anyway, I’m happy I attended the afternoon mass today. A priest from Batangas delivered the homily. He talked about commitment which came from a Latin word that meant “to carry”. When we commit to something, or to someone for that matter, we are entitling ourselves to an investment. He used the word investment to speak of time, effort, money and emotions. These were the things we give or share to someone when we commit ourselves, and he said that if we have invested more than enough of these things to the person, there’s no turning back. Why not? Because what’s the point, we’ve invested so much, why put them to waste? You’re already there, might as well make the best out of it. And that actually made a lot of sense, not just in a romantic point of view.

I spent the whole day trying to keep myself awake while studying for dev psych. And you know when you reach that point when it’s been 8 hours and you’re still not yet done, you just want to throw the stupid textbook and go home for the Christmas break. But then you realize that you’ve already invested so much of your time and energy, you can’t simply turn back and skip the hell week. You have to put all the things you learned into good use. So let's go hell week. :)

So after the mass I was walking along Katipunan with my dinner in one hand and I was in a way, introspecting about this coming week. I feel something good’s about to happen.

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