Saturday, September 25, 2010

Breaking Hearts

Is it the season of breaking hearts?

Next to my own heartbreak, I guess the next worst thing would be seeing your best friend's heart get broken as well. It’s getting a text from her, asking for a friend to cry on. It’s running to the org room and seeing her staring into space. It’s not knowing what to say when she tells you how everything seemed so unreal. It’s feeling the heaviness she’s trying to carry on her own, just so people can’t judge her for feeling weak. It’s one of the greatest heartbreaks I’ve felt, and seen. And so, all you heartbreakers, please be careful.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Self-Date at Cibo

I had to shut myself from the rest of the world this afternoon and spent the day by going out with myself. Despite the pile of schoolwork that's waiting to be done (because I was too sick to do them yesterday), I felt the need to just take a breather. It's been a while since I last go on self-dates, mainly because school seemed more important than spending time with myself. But the recent events in my life called forth the need for an emergency date.

One thing you should know about me is that when life gets too stressful, I tend to binge. The only way for me to get out the stress is to eat, eat, and eat. It doesn't have to be expensive food; good ol' kanin with any viand will be just fine. But today I decided to splurge on food. I dined at Cibo in Gateway. I was actually deciding on whether I should eat there or not. Not because of the food, but because of the people who were there dining as well. I walked past Cibo just to check if it's crowded; three families dining wasn't so bad. And so I decided to enter; table for one please. Some of my friends aren't very comfortable dining alone, but it wasn't much of a biggie for me. I've been living and eating dinner alone for more than three years now, and one lunch out wasn't such a big deal. I dig into my food - potato chips with aioli and farfalle alla Genovese which is basically pasta with pesto, mushroom and cheese. Anyway, to cut things short, it was a pretty good meal and a pretty good day. If it weren't for this painful headache brought on by the scorching heat, everything would have been nice.

I think I need to go out on more self-dates, or dates in general. I miss hanging out with the people I love and having steady nights, nights that don't require too much, just plain, heartfelt conversations.

OK, Don't Panic


Next week, let's bring it on! Four weeks to go before sembreak and 98 days to go before Christmas. I can't wait!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

As Requested :)

What is oily face? Hahaha

These lovely people deserve this space because for me, they're still the best dancers! Kythe Ateneo Dancers (KADS). For the kids! :)

Busy weekend ahead!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

New Hair

Finally decided to cut my long hair yesterday (and today). I went home to Batangas and decided to visit my trusted stylist from Bench Fix branch in one of the local malls. I showed him the style I wanted from a random hairstyle magazine I found while waiting for my turn. The style looked really short which made the stylist worried that it might be too short for me, so we compromised on a certain length that's still short but not too short. It was goodbye to about 6 inches of my long dark brown hair and hello short hair.

My long hair was actually starting to look very dull and lifeless, so I decided that it was time for me to end the dullness of my long hair.

6 inches of my hair which my mother took home as remembrance

My mom was not particularly happy with my short hair. She was giving me signs last Saturday saying that the length was enough and that I should not cut it shorter anymore. But being the indecisive person that I am, I went back to the salon and had my hair shortened and with no extra charge! It's shorter now, and with more "style". I don't have pictures, so I'll just wait for an event to come up for me to "flaunt" my new hair.

Honestly, looking back to what I did to my hair, I'm not really happy with the short hair. HAHA. My mom will kill me if she finds out about this and will give me her I-told-you-so look. I felt adventurous, and this is the fruit of my misadventure. Oh well, as the online style guide says it, any kind of hairstyle will only look good (regardless of the shape of your face) if you feel confident with it. So confidence, enter me!

Friday, September 10, 2010

Songs of My Life

I just realized that our yearbook writeups are due this Monday already, I had to help my biographer (hihi) by giving her songs of my life. Because I don't have life verses or quotes, the songs will have to suffice. Anyway, here are the two songs that I think express my life (so far) in the best way possible.

Okay don't judge me. I confess, I am a closet emo kid. :O

Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Grad Pic Photoshoot

Today was my grad pic photoshoot. I was really worried about this one since I know I'm not really the most photogenic girl in the world and because I'm not very keen on following what the photographer says. Remember my pegs a few posts back? Well, I didn't quite end up doing any of those. I settled for this pa-cutesy dress I found in Glorietta last Saturday. It wasn't the best dress I've seen, in fact I have better dresses than this one I wore, but I don't know, I settled for this one. And I have this sick feeling that when I go back to this picture 10 years from now, I'd laugh really hard at myself. Oh well. Anyway, at least my toga picture turned out decent.

Still, there are traces that this photo has been photoshopped. Hihi.

One thing I particularly don't like about my pictures is the overpowering presence of my gums. You see, just like vampires whose fangs come out when they get excited, my gums tend to reveal themselves when I get too happy or too nervous or too excited. Hayayay. I just hope the photo company will do a great job in editing the pictures.