Sunday, September 28, 2008


I promise not to drink ever again, unless I want to end up having another allergy attack. :( I swear, last Friday was my first time to drink after I dunno, 3 years? And I didn't even get drunk. Dizzy, red hot, groggy, yes, but definitely not drunk. And who would have thought I was allergic to alcohol, or to whatever was in that drink I had? :-<

I'm sorry mom, an insect didn't bite me, it was alcohol that brought about these allergies. Please please make it stop, I don't want to go to school scratching my shoulders all day.


Okay, so it's almost 11PM over here and I am so not yet done with physio LT. Ohnoes. *slapslapslap* I have to stay awake, I have to finish everything tonight or tomorrow morning. Wish me luck.


I was a point away, ONE FRIGGIN POINT away from an A in lab. :(( I want to get an A in Chem Lab in order to pull up my C standing in lecture. I need this, I want this. I will study for it on Monday (hopefully).


Bonfire na on Tuesday night! :D :D :D And I dunno, I am seriously excited for this one. I don't even know what's going to happen, but still I am excited. Probably because I feel like the Bonfire would be sort of an end of the year party for everyone. YAAAY, free food. :D


I want to eat Chinese. Wala lang, I've been eating everything I see and right now, I'm craving for the things I don't see... Chinese food! I want I want.

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