Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Dong Le

Remember when people usually say ‘opposites attract’? And how much chick flicks or other romantic movies or novels usually tell us how a jock can fall for a nerd, more so a loser? And in turn, we are thought to believe that our own fantasies will soon come true? That someday, someone who we thought least to be the person we’d end up with proposes to us on bended knees, and asking us to be theirs? Ah, the common daydream for everyone di ba? Well, we (that includes me) have been living a lie. Opposites do not attract. Cool people and losers do not mix well. People of the same kind stick together, forever. And that fantastic dream we all wish about romantic happy ending? My general psychology professor revealed this eye-opener to us on one hot day in June, while we were all just too full of an unbearable session in Statistics. All that and more.


Psychology, in my opinion, has this tendency of breaking people’s beliefs and values in a way that it doesn’t actually mean doing so. Maybe the whole ruining our desires thought may be a very biased opinion. It’s probably more of a realization rather than that of a mess-up. It reveals to you things that you never thought cannot be explained or experienced by other people. Also, psychology shows you the truths about things you first were true, but in fact weren’t. And to be honest, it makes life a lot more complicated than you think it is. Nonetheless, the subject makes me love my course even more. Imagine me having the power to preach about things normal people aren’t aware of, and I can see how their (my sisters) eyes widen when they realize that they too have been living a lie. Power, yes, and control.


Chinois (in French) or simply Chinese is another great subject. I love it. I regret that I usually sleep or space out during my Mandarin tutorials 10 years ago and having to repeat everything now. I should know how to speak in Mandarin, but no, I acted like an indifferent girl who doesn’t want to learn anything other than English or Filipino back then. But now, wow! I seriously look forward to every Mandarin session in that cramped up room where you can almost catch your professor’s saliva whenever she pronounces the syllable ‘chr’. But other than that, I love it. I want to master this language and test myself by going to Binondo and talking to those Chinese folks. And if I find myself lucky, I can probably find a Mandarin-fluent boyfriend who can tutor me for free. Hahaha. Kidding kidding. Tong pe tong? (Do you understand?) I don’t think I got the spelling right though. And now I begin to envy those Chinese kids who don’t have any problems speaking Mandarin or Fookien or Cantonese. I mean, I don’t think they had to go through this whole fuss of knowing what tone to use or what spelling to write, right? Unlike me who has been desperately trying to roll my tongue to say the words right. I want to learn, and I shall learn. Wait for my future posts in which I’ll be speaking nosebleed Mandarin. HAHAHA.


Last insight before I go home (because apparently, it’s been almost two weeks that I do not have internet K). Is it me or is the weather has been totally screwed up? So morning I wake up and it’s hot already even with the aircon running. Come afternoon, around 4PM, and suddenly it starts to rain real hard. And the weird thing is that it seems like there’s an exact hour when the rain pours. 4 in the afternoon. And then it usually lasts for about an hour. It’s been like that for three days straight, and I have no idea why the weather’s like that. They said Quezon City’s the only one experiencing that kind of weather. Thank God Metro Manila isn’t. People living there would all have gotten sick by now if it were like that. Too much heat in the Metro.


I’m not sure if it’s obvious, but I can tell it is. My writing sort of changed in this post. Too many phrases. Too many dependent clauses. Too many repeated and unrecognized words. My style changes, but not for long. I don’t really like it this way. I need to get back to that old self.

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