Tuesday, June 03, 2008

[i was too excited, i forgot to write a title]

And so this to mark the 18th year of my existence and the first day of adulthood and logically, the end of my adolescence. So what happens exactly at the strike of midnight? Err, nothing. I mean you’d be too groggy to even realize that June 2 ended already and it’s hello June 3! But what the heck, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME.

A very good friend asked me hours ago if I was excited, and I immediately answered that I wasn’t. However a few days back, my mom asked the same question, but I gave a different answer. I told my mom I was super excited about my coming birthday and about the things I’ve been planning for that day. But tonight felt different. Maybe it’s because as the faithful day draws nearer, the more anxious the person might feel? Well, that’s what has been happening in my case. Anxiety over the things to do on my supposedly special day or people who will or will not remember my birthday or feeling the zest that it is in fact my birthday. I’m honestly scared that I may not be as happy as I expected myself to be. I mean I want to be happy, I want to jump and feel the tingling feeling that I am officially legal. But what if I am not? If I wouldn’t be happy, how would I feel then?

Nonetheless, screw my feelings and my anxiety. Birthdays are supposed to be fun no matter how old the celebrant is. As long as I’m not celebrating it alone or with people I never wished to be with today, I’m good. I’ll survive this day. And with that, happy birthday once more.

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