Thursday, April 24, 2008

Law of Attraction

Just a few minutes ago, I was reading my friend’s post about the law of attraction which explains how all of us are given the opportunity of getting what we want because the entire universe connives to help us achieve whatever it is that we ask for. And it makes perfect sense, we’re all blessed with the gift, or shall I say, benefit of being spoiled by the universe by getting everything we want. But the catch, by everything, the law meant every thing, big or small, positive or negative. It’s up to us to decide of what we truly want and how much effort we give in getting our wishes granted.

And then I began to question. How many good wishes did I miss only because I continuously doubted myself, because I feared the challenges I might have to face before I get to the pot of gold, and because I wasn’t strong enough, not confident enough? I could be living a better and happier life right now if only I have been more positive of myself and my capabilities, but I’m not. I’m recounting all the things I could have achieved in the past if only I were better. My InTACT professor once wrote to me telling me that I’m good. But good does not necessarily mean it’s alright, because she said she believes that I can do better than good. Can I? I’ve always settled for being mediocre, a B-B+ student, but never an A student. I don’t push myself further to achieve something better because I fear of not getting what I want. That’s why I settle for something that’s okay, but not better. Is it because that throughout these opportunities that I can shine, I chose to remain in the sidelines, quietly blaming myself why I didn’t go for it. And the answer, negative thoughts entered faster than thoughts of success. And the universe processes these thoughts and leads me to wherever I am now. It’s not the universe’s fault why I may not be living the life I ideally planned, it was because of me. I became vulnerable to pessimism and did not even try to entertain the brighter side.

Nonetheless, the insight about the Law of Attraction made me realize that all of us have equal chances of being successful and being happy. The reason why other people are living better lives is because they have been more positive, more persevere compared to others. But that does not mean that’s the end for the rest of us right? The universe is unending, and so are our wishes. Knowing that each one is capable of getting their wishes given should at least help us realize that we’re only a positive thought away from better days.

I missed a lot of chances. I took away a lot of my wishes. But what the heck, the universe backs me up. I can always wish for more.


Anonymous said...

I respectfully disagree that "all of us have equal chances of being successful and being happy." The universe is certainly far more complex than what proponents of "the law of attraction" would have us believe. In the spirit of open minded discourse, please consider another perspective: Thank you. Thom Rutledge

Padmé said...

Let's just learn from all the "what could've been"s and move on =) Forget the past, right? We still have the now to build our future ;)

Mia Uy said...

@ thom rutledge...
"I would just appreciate it if these authors would help out a bit by acknowledging that they don't know these things with absolute certainty, that what they describe are their beliefs, not facts."

I visited your website and realized some wonderful insights. whatever i said in my latest entry was of my own interpretation as to what the Law of Attraction states. I do not force others to believe how powerful and helpful the universe is. Nonetheless, i don't think it hurts to say that we all have our own chances. It's up to us to believe that we do have opportunities to do better. Anyway, thank you for visiting. :)

Mia Uy said...

@ padme...

Moving on really helps i guess. :) Helps us to think that there's something better waiting for us.