Sunday, August 12, 2007

forgotten birthday

disclaimer: this entry is sooo corny.

instead of doing my tons of homework, i'm here in front of the computer blogging. i still have to finish my lab report, study for my long test, read all my subject readings and start writing my critical paper. actually, that's not all, but if i go on enumerating them i might as well name this entry, "my things to do", but that's not my purpose for writing. duh?

my two older posts, i figured contained the same idea, my complaints. they were full of the things i hate, things i miss, things i can't do. i was too busy complaining in my posts that i forgot that my blog's first birthday has passed without me knowing it. i checked out my very first entry; it was on the 28th of july. two days after my bloggie's birthday, i was ranting on my post. it's so weird that a year has gone by and i felt my writings have gone totally different.

i made this blog during our computer class. the lesson was so boring and i couldn't even understand what our teacher was saying. luckily, i was seated at the back. it gave me the chance to surf unnoticed. my friend told me about her blog and tried to persuade me to make my own. so with nothing to do, she helped me make one. the first entry was so sabog. i did it just to test if it works. soon, i learned to personalize it, getting my own template, writing my wish list, and stuff like that.

my blog became my outlet for letting out whatever emotion i can't release in action. all my anger, sadness, disappointment, and bitterness were poured out in my blog. even issues on school, family, love were there. my blog was my own personal witness. my whole senior year in high school was written there.

but as i look back, as soon as i graduated, my fondness on blogging also had gone. i don't update as much as i'm supposed to. it takes months or weeks to even check if anyone replied to my post. and sadly, even if i were to update, my entry would only contain negative emotions i have. i hate the way i have turned this blog into. i didn't mature throughout the year, but rather have become more of a whiner.

so anyway, belated happy birthday to my blog. more to come.

***i'm so sentimental. ack.***

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