Friday, May 04, 2007

what gives you a rush?

my love for psychology and for medicine just got stronger these past few weeks because of two reasons.


after buying the dvd months ago, i've only started watching the series late april. i kind of got bored by the thought that House might not include the mushy stuff and the kilig factor i had while watching oth. i got intimidated by the thought i might not understand what the story is all about, more so get bored and end up falling asleep in the middle. but Dr. House and the rest of his team proved me wrong. it is quite addicting, nearly as addictive as one tree hill or veronica mars. i love the thrill of thinking what he's gonna do next or how he's gonna solve the case or what rare disease he's going to diagnose his patient. i love the passion House has for his job. i've learned to accept his "belief" that everybody lies. It's a simple thought but always proven true. I liked it when the doctors interact with their patients and how they face their dilemmas. this is the job i want. i want to be a doctor. i would love to have mind boggling cases given to me. i would love not to sleep well at night thinking about how am i supposed to get through the next day. i don't care if i don't understand their jargons yet, but i know i will... soon. :)

My biggest fan
this part had to be accidentally on puprose revised for safety purposes. so let me just give you some of the lessons learned throughout the whole pre-college experience.

not everyone can agree with you. others could force you to take up something you don't like only because that course offers you a more sure future or because it fits your capacity. but do remember, your choice will always be the right one. knono matter how stupid it is or how long it took you to decide, it's still your own. no brainwashing, no doubts, no whatsoever. it should be YOU what if it takes you months to agree on something. school, course, dorm, dormmate, uniform or no uniform. or at least these are the problems i had during those times. it's just normal for fickle minded freshies to be.

psychology gives me a rush.
medicine gives me a rush.
wearing a clean white coat gives me a rush.
making a difference in a patient's life gives me a rush.

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