Monday, May 21, 2007

painted my nails green

after two weeks of hibernation, im back again. (how many have i said this?) i'm just not having the dulce to write anything sensible lately, just a lot of rants, chessiness or plain senseless. (this post leads to another nothing-to-say-just-for-the-sake-of-updating entry)

summer is about two things: fun and change. and im happy to say that i have actually accomplished both, even before so long sweet summer.

F is for friends who do stuff together, U is for yoU and me, N is aNywhere and anytime at all. huh? oops, so i haven't had enough fun yet. i'm guilty of not having some bonding time with my friends, even for a single day. for some reason, i missed our barkada kitakits. and now that summer's almost over, i still haven't seen them.
there's no U and me. just the selfish me all summer. no summer fling or whatsoever (not that i'm eyeing for one, just following the song). but at least i got N done. anywhere and anytime. after more than 10 summers, this is my first time to hit the beach again. i forgot how amusing the sand and water were. live it, hong kong! so i went there mainly for shopping. i did get i wanted plus loads! it was quite fun, actually. i thought it would be boring going somewhere you've been before.

that's what i consider fun. har-di-har.

since i didn't do well on fun, i better make it up on change. and im telling you, there had been a lot of changes.

hello, nigger?! after almost two weeks of swimming under the 10:00 am sun, i'm now as black as ever. goodbye to my feeling mestiza days. and what's worse is that i actually have goggle marks on myy face. it's really obvious. see it for yourself. anyway, it's a fun new change, and besides i enjoyed swimming. which leads me to another change. after my basic swimming lessons 5 years ago, i decided to take up advanced lessons. reason for the looong delay? i got aquaphobic. flashback: i almost drowned after trying to dive, thanks to that boy and his swimming trunks, i survived. haha. and now, i have overcome that fear, on that same swimming pool without the little boy anymore. i have learned the art of threading (is that how you spell it?). and one last change, i painted my nails green! just wanted some color so why not try green? haha.

i wanted to somehow to renew myself and try things i do not usually do or have never done before.

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