Monday, May 28, 2007

so long sweet summer

the rain has come. the pre-opening of classes frenzy has started. people have started to 'pile up' at our store. i have bought neew notebooks and bags and clothes and shoes. my summer's over.

i found myself shocked to find out that next week, i'll be moving to quezon city. in a week, i will be opening a new chapter of my life, a very big and crucial one. and i haven't started packing my bags yet.

last night, while i was rummaging around my closet, i couldn't help but get scared by the fact that i'll be wearing casual clothes for four years, and might end up with nothing to wear. it's like i don't have enough clothes. but it's not really the clothes that bother me, i'm more scared of the new phase i'm entering really soon. i'm not used to going to school walking for about 10 minutes to get there, or nor with wearing casual clothes, or waking up early just to use the bathroom earlier than my 7 other apartment-mates, or going to school without having a hearty breakfast, or being around really smart people (i heard from a friend that bs psych people are the brainy bunch, last year's no. 1 was from this course), and i think i don't have an edge against them. i mean, what could i possibly have that they don't? moreover, being with my [sibs] scares the living daylight out of me! new school. new class. new friends. everything has to be new. it took me four years to figure out who my real friends were, i can't do it all over again?

adjusting is one thing, but living in it is another issue. yes, probably i can adjust to this new life since i really don't have any choice, but choosing to live this life i'm entering is something that doesn't take me just a few days. i have to live a different lifestyle, and by that i meant stepping out my comfort zone. there wouldn't be a mom or a dad who could buy me anything anytime. i have to really use my allowance wisely. there also wouldn't be any ate beth who prepares my rice meal breakfast. i have to choose between manang's canteen or pandesal from pan de manila or a grumbling stomach. breakfast at fast food chains are too sinful. and breakfast food like conred beef and luncheon meat might as well be considered dinner for me. als,o no more starbucks since a frappucino is equivalent to a day's meal already. so to me, adjusting + tightening one's belt = living it. as i picture it now, it seems so difficult on how i could possibly survive, but then again, if my brother has managed, why can't i? all it takes i some roughing it and a whole lot of canned goods, instant noodles, pandesal and a bunch of self-assurance.

so it's so long sweet summer, and hello nerve-wracking college.

*i'm currently wasting my time on this game called weffriddles. it's actually quite addicting. after three days, im still stuck at level 17. try it and get addicted too. ;p*

Monday, May 21, 2007

painted my nails green

after two weeks of hibernation, im back again. (how many have i said this?) i'm just not having the dulce to write anything sensible lately, just a lot of rants, chessiness or plain senseless. (this post leads to another nothing-to-say-just-for-the-sake-of-updating entry)

summer is about two things: fun and change. and im happy to say that i have actually accomplished both, even before so long sweet summer.

F is for friends who do stuff together, U is for yoU and me, N is aNywhere and anytime at all. huh? oops, so i haven't had enough fun yet. i'm guilty of not having some bonding time with my friends, even for a single day. for some reason, i missed our barkada kitakits. and now that summer's almost over, i still haven't seen them.
there's no U and me. just the selfish me all summer. no summer fling or whatsoever (not that i'm eyeing for one, just following the song). but at least i got N done. anywhere and anytime. after more than 10 summers, this is my first time to hit the beach again. i forgot how amusing the sand and water were. live it, hong kong! so i went there mainly for shopping. i did get i wanted plus loads! it was quite fun, actually. i thought it would be boring going somewhere you've been before.

that's what i consider fun. har-di-har.

since i didn't do well on fun, i better make it up on change. and im telling you, there had been a lot of changes.

hello, nigger?! after almost two weeks of swimming under the 10:00 am sun, i'm now as black as ever. goodbye to my feeling mestiza days. and what's worse is that i actually have goggle marks on myy face. it's really obvious. see it for yourself. anyway, it's a fun new change, and besides i enjoyed swimming. which leads me to another change. after my basic swimming lessons 5 years ago, i decided to take up advanced lessons. reason for the looong delay? i got aquaphobic. flashback: i almost drowned after trying to dive, thanks to that boy and his swimming trunks, i survived. haha. and now, i have overcome that fear, on that same swimming pool without the little boy anymore. i have learned the art of threading (is that how you spell it?). and one last change, i painted my nails green! just wanted some color so why not try green? haha.

i wanted to somehow to renew myself and try things i do not usually do or have never done before.

Friday, May 04, 2007

what gives you a rush?

my love for psychology and for medicine just got stronger these past few weeks because of two reasons.


after buying the dvd months ago, i've only started watching the series late april. i kind of got bored by the thought that House might not include the mushy stuff and the kilig factor i had while watching oth. i got intimidated by the thought i might not understand what the story is all about, more so get bored and end up falling asleep in the middle. but Dr. House and the rest of his team proved me wrong. it is quite addicting, nearly as addictive as one tree hill or veronica mars. i love the thrill of thinking what he's gonna do next or how he's gonna solve the case or what rare disease he's going to diagnose his patient. i love the passion House has for his job. i've learned to accept his "belief" that everybody lies. It's a simple thought but always proven true. I liked it when the doctors interact with their patients and how they face their dilemmas. this is the job i want. i want to be a doctor. i would love to have mind boggling cases given to me. i would love not to sleep well at night thinking about how am i supposed to get through the next day. i don't care if i don't understand their jargons yet, but i know i will... soon. :)

My biggest fan
this part had to be accidentally on puprose revised for safety purposes. so let me just give you some of the lessons learned throughout the whole pre-college experience.

not everyone can agree with you. others could force you to take up something you don't like only because that course offers you a more sure future or because it fits your capacity. but do remember, your choice will always be the right one. knono matter how stupid it is or how long it took you to decide, it's still your own. no brainwashing, no doubts, no whatsoever. it should be YOU what if it takes you months to agree on something. school, course, dorm, dormmate, uniform or no uniform. or at least these are the problems i had during those times. it's just normal for fickle minded freshies to be.

psychology gives me a rush.
medicine gives me a rush.
wearing a clean white coat gives me a rush.
making a difference in a patient's life gives me a rush.