Sunday, August 06, 2006

one down!

upcat. why do i have to go through this? maybe my mom was right with her suggestion. maybe should just accept all students interested to study there, para at least all will be given a chance to have a up experience. not bad right? i wish it could be like that.

but no. reality wakes me up to the truth na kaya nga may upcat, to know who can enter. too bad. but why does it have to be that hard? why can it just ask simple questions like who is your crush? or define love? haha. ala autograph, but wouldn't it be a lot easier if it were like that? why do we have to spend 5 hours answering questions that i don't know? why do i have to think hard, solve hard, but still can't find the answer among the choices? why do i have to stay up late before the exam date trying to study the different formulas i don't know how to apply?.. so many questions, i don't even know how to answer.

the only consolation i have is that im done with it already. thank God. i've gone through the 300 or less questions, half of which i either guessed or skipped. haha. it's that hard! at least1 down, 3 to go. that's ateneo, dlsu and ust. i can do this! miracles happen. i just know it. and tonight, i could finally sleep with no more worries except for the quizzes tomorrow in soc.sci, physics and filipino and the acet on sept. 16. kahit pano nabawasan, right?

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