Sunday, July 27, 2008

prodigal child i am not

Good morning July 27. Because sleep hasn't come yet, and because I think my mind's too tired to start studying for my general psychology long exam, let me steal some of my time contemplating on how bad of a daughter i was being a few hours ago.

I feel so bad, I want to slap myself for even thinking what I was thinking a few hours ago. It was unacceptable, it was insensitive, and yet it can be comparable to me. :-< So okay, it started with a phone call telling me they'd be coming here in qc tomorrow afternoon. Trying to calm myself even if deep down I wanted to shout, I replied on the phone, 'Okay, kayo bahala.' and in a very cold manner for that matter. You see, my schedule's like this right now: Weekdays are for weekday events including school and after school activities; Saturdays are spent pleasing God by NSTP and Kythe, which are both by the way not thought of as hassle to my schedule; and Sundays are spent studying and taking one-hour breaks going to mass (yay, 3 Sundays straight already). But after that call, my schedule has been screwed. Okay, so I finished postlab report earlier than expected, but still the schedule must be followed. How am I suppose to study for psych now that probably 5 or 6 hours of study time would possibly be spent touring them around somewehere? I want to study. I want to ace that long exam on Monday.

See see, I'm such an ungrateful child right? My parents are going out of their way just to drive to qc to visit me and here I am, complaining that they're coming. Gaaah, so out with the negative and in with the positive. Isipin na lang, it will be 5 or 6 hours wasted on shopping and spending quality time with them. Great. :)


Random: I'm hoping the book sale in de la costa's still there till next week, 'cause I'm planning to reward myself with a new book if I get a high grade in one of my exams. Probably a Murakami or a Nick Hornby book, isa lang okay.

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