Friday, June 15, 2007

getting there and going back

after a week of budgeting, power walking, losing web and tv connection and of course, living the college life, i'm home! other than that, i even managed to commute home. after almost three aching hours, i finally reached home.

the first week was both fun and dreadful.starting flashback

first day. i woke up very early at around 5am (my class starts at 8:30 am). it almost felt like high school, with all the first day of school jitters. well, not entirely like high school since i already know who my blockmates were. Go block Y! i ended waiting for an hour before i can go to school. i walked for about 10 minutes in order to get there.

our first class was math. our over excited and oversweating math prof started to discuss exponents on our first day! whatever happened to hi-my-name-is-blah-blah-and-i-expect-this-subject-to-be part? he was so excited he started lecture.

next was english 11. well, it wasn't as boring as math, although i didn't enjoy it much since i was with a whole different block. but mind you, there were a lot of eye candies in my En 11 block. hooray.

after english was lit. same classroom, same blockmates. it was quite funny to see our lit teacher walk to the room wearing shades and looking like the vocalist of the band cueshe. he was really a carbon copy, with the hair and the "healthiness".

lunch break! i love breaks, we were given two hour lunches which were good since we can go out to katips to eat. block y decided to have block lunch at kfc, so to kfc we walked.

fil was up next. much to our surprise, we were given a diagnostic exam. worse, our whole block thinks we could all possibly go back to basic fil. boo-hoo. stupid 45 minute test.

last subject of the day-pe! i was excited about modern jazz. much to my dismay, i realized i was not going to take up modern jazz, but, guess what, intermediate hip hop. panic mode. hip hop as in with all the bling, baggy pants, etc. hip hop's cool to watch, but i definitely can't see myself dancing in that tune. just have to stick to it for the whole sem and hip hop my way to passing. hahaha.

the last two days were pretty much the same as the first day, so let me just cut the story short.

i have missed home, a lot actually. i have regained the comfort i've longed missed. but after two days, i will again venture to another week of college. but for now, my only problem is how to go back to qc.

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