Tuesday, October 31, 2006


thank God naihabol ko new skin before the sem break ends. after long hours in front of the computer, i finished it na.
it turns out the two proposed backgrounds didn't come out. haha. anyway, this new skin look nice na rin. i feel so fulfilled seeing my new skin. ok so it's not really a skin. i just put a picture and then voila. my new skin. haha. it may appear very simple to you but to me,it's not. i worked hard on this one. i reall did. so i do hope you can appreciate it somehow. tell me what you think about it! please do post a comment on my tag board. anything you post will be truly appreciated. thanks!
...and now I'm ready to do my pile of homework!...

Thursday, October 26, 2006

oh crap!!!!!!

just when i thought everything in my life is going smoothly and happier, reality struck me with the fact that nothing in this world is perfect. there can never be anything such as perfect. but why does it have to hit me so hard? a punch to my almost perfect life. call me overreacting or whatever you want.

though the dvd player has been sort of cursed, though i was having a bad cold, the slumber party was a hit! totally fun. it was my first time to sleep somewhere other than my comfy bed. but the comforter and the pile of pillows were enough to remind me that i was still home. that sense of home-y feeling was there. saya. i wish reality never came. horror strcuk me, and hit me hard.

just as i was writing my postpost(weird) of our slumber party, my mom told me that i can't come and join them tomorrow. we were supposed to go to manila for my brother's enrollment and then go to greenhills then to market2 to shop. a total heaven for a shopaholic right? and i won't even get the chance to enjoy it. i am looking forward to it talaga, i even prepared my clothes beforehand, even before i prepared my things for the sleepover! grrr. crap! and all are ruined. i really hate it. ok, i know this is the point you'll see me as an oa girl in her oa world. i am oa! and i think i have the right to be! why can't i come? why do i have to be stuck in that lousy tindahan all day doing nothing but devouring myself with thoughts of shopping and bazaars, things i cannot have. i lost my chance of having a big break. all thanks to my mom. i'm sorry im being very mean to her, but she really is the reason of it all. call me selfish, but she did promised last week pa na i can come. why all of a sudden break my heart?!

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

returned from hibernation

i felt so guilty seeing that my last post was october 2 pa, during milenyo period. so i figured i should compensate for the long period of time i hadn't posted.

here goes.

quarterly exams. dreadful. i got lower grades from my subjects. i didn't improve at all. i almost flunked filipino. i am just waiting for my 84 during card distribution.

division press con. weee. we won. though social injustice as nhet would call it, is very evident during the contest, we managed to grab awards. Arjae, rizelle, and I are going to rizal! yea. really excited about it. wish us luck so we'll be able to go to baguio, and then go bar hopping, err, i mean compete there. haha.

inter la salle. a very big event i've been dying to see. so many boys, so little time. hehe. imagine, lsgh, zobel and other papa-bles, all in one place. can't wait to see them. plus, i hope i can be granted a special pass since i will be covering the whole event for bulik. thank God I'm a chicken! couldn't wish for anything else.

slumber party! this will be my very first time to sleep somewhere other than my own bed. weee. besides inter la salle, i am also looking forward to this. we'll be staying at arjae's place tomorrow til the next day. totally excited.

well, that's about it. a summary fo my recent events that i forgot to share. really sorry. but i have a valid reason for not updating. i am actually in the process of making, yep, making my own blog layout. i'm creating it myself, thanks to photoshop. i hope i could finish it sooner. still having a problem with frontpage. i'm kind of lost. hehe.

will you be very nice to help me in making my new layout? can you choose one from the two proposed backgrounds? thanks! <3

*note: the color isn't right. it's supposed to have a brown background.

Monday, October 02, 2006

mood swings

how can a day filled with kawindangan and exhaustion become so great? a smile can do that. ;)

the first hours were such a mess. i cried over a cheesy movie during filipino then laughed and ruined our group's presentation in english. worse, it was because of me why we didn't get a perfect grade! uh-oh. after recess, computer. dinali ng katamaran, i hastily finished my mp4. i was bored doing it. i ended up submitting a stupid web page. lastly, physics. i dunno what happened, but i was completely distracted(?) during this hour. i never understood any question on our seatwork. thank God mara was there. she did more than half of the work.

this is were the fun begins. as i was approaching our service van, i saw people huddling near the van. i thought they were just some students who have nowhere else to go. anyway, my poor contacts proved me wrong, guess who it was,err, i mean, who they were. haha. why would i tell you? it's a secret. but definitely, my day ended a lot happier, opposite of what i had in mind. definitely in bliss.