Thursday, March 26, 2009


One thing I learned from this semester is how to learn to give up on things that weren’t meant for me. There comes a point in our lives that no matter how much effort we can exert on something, it just won’t give in. And I’m not saying this out of bitterness or defeat or whatever sad note the first line may deceivingly entail. It’s actually my way of saying that when we give up on things we can’t get, it makes it easier for us to open ourselves on fresh opportunities, opportunities that may come risk-free and possibly more inviting than the previous.

In developmental psychology, we learned about repudiation. Repudiation is defined as letting go of one's less important identities, attitudes, or behavior. Repudiation can only take place if one successfully establish a concrete identity of himself and learns to be faithful to this identity. Even as the wind blows, this is who I am, that is the ideal identity we all want to achieve. So probably, just probably, this second sem was my period of repudiation, the period when I am (forced) to let go of my different identities, and settle for something better?

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