Friday, February 22, 2008

the overused word known as happiness

after three weeks of suffering in katipunan avenue, i'm finally going home.

i don't really get so excited about going home, but today seemed like a very happy day that everything seemed to go my way. everything feels light and calm. although the weather in ateneo is starting to kill my skin, the rest seemed happy. i'm in a very good mood today, i don't even know why.

maybe because it's friday. and people in ateneo reallly make a big deal out of the whole TGIF thing that some of my blockmates are even planning on going out somewhere for tonight. after a whole week of stress, eating dinner somewhere or catching a movie actually help lessen the pressure for another week ahead.

maybe because i ate ice cream and a popsicle and chocnut waffle today. okay, ang babaw. i'm really gaining a lot of weight today. it's just that i've been controlling myself for weeks because i wanted to save more money for people's birthdays and to spend money on my happy food is not part of my budget. but i gave in. : the siomai i had for lunch sucked, so i searched for a happy alternative. and i discovered chocnut waffle. for only 12 bucks, i satisified myself. and blame the long hour breaks for the popsicle and the ice cream. hahaha.

maybe because i have a long weekend. ditch the tons of homework and long exams i have for next week, this is my weekend. i want to have fun. i have no idea how i'm gonna finish all my requirements for next week if i were to go home, but what the heck, i can prolly cram them all on monday night.

maybe because i was abel to spend some "good times" with R21. i honestly don't get to bond with most of them, but today seemed special. i talked to blockmates i don't usually talk to before. i realized maybe i can share the same block love i have with Y to my english block. and it's really sad that i we'll no longer be blockmates next year. =((

maybe because i feel like i'm starting to move on. this is genuine na okay. i figured why should i waste my precious time daydreaming when i can do something better. i wouldn't want to wait for something to happen right? so this may be the sign i was looking for. the signs i was waiting for to come. it's not about searching or looking at the sign, it's more of feeling it.

maybe because my mom promised me we'd go shopping this weekend. okay, this is the materialistic side of the story. >:) it's just that it's been more than months since i last went to a mall and shopped for something other than groceries.

maybe because i discovered sensuality. my lit prof has always reiterated that for something to be appreciated, it has to be sensual. and when one speaks of sensuality, one relates everything to the senses. and our senses are not limited to only 5 senses. Impy Pilapil, a sensual artist, opened a gallery of senses today in ateneo. the gallery was entitled "activating your 12 senses". the gallery was outdoor and offered a different kind of experience to people. and you know me, i'm not that type of person relating herself much to art. but the gallery was beautiful, no wait, it was colorful, full of life, energetic and HAPPY. there you go, happy. i spent more than an hour trying out the gallery pieces. yes, i tried them out, since all of them gives you the chance to really experience them and activate your 12 senses. cool noh? and the gallery will stay until july 2008. :)

just like love, happiness is prolly something you don't have to find reasons for. it's just like that, plain and simple. i think it's something that we always have, it's just that sometimes we forget it's in us. maybe because we're too busy with our fucked up lives that we don't notice this inner happiness or this inner love we have from the beginning. and because of sensuality or of our senses that we realize this happy feeling inside. finding reasons why we're happy or strolling around a gallery are not the only ways we can rediscover this weird feeling i like to call happiness.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

[re: Lozada and ZTE] Hindi ka nag-iisa

Minsan lang ako mag chain mail, so basahin niyo 'to. And re-post, if you care.

***from the blog of the nephew of Jun Lozada***

[A proverbial clash between David and Goliath, a boy surrounded by bullies. It’s starting. Claims being denied left and right, being retracted at every turn. Our family desperately needs help. We need people to believe, we need people who will support us, and this is the only way I know how to reach out. So please, if you care enough, please repost this so that your circle of friends may be informed. For further information, please read my past blogs.]

Given another chance, I wouldn’t choose a testimony on a Friday. This gave palace officials a couple of days to prepare. If you could notice, right after the hearing and the press conference, the implicated persons were out of public’s sight. Instead, some others were made to appear in front of the media. Now, after two days, these are the things that are happening:

Media people were paid 500K to shut up. I received a text message. I could only speculate. But I’m afraid it might be true. During these times, I’m going to take it for what its worth. Hopefully, its not true. Hopefully, journalists and media people will stick to their principles and continue to uphold the truth and not compromise it for any monetary value. But let me share one article that may somewhat give justice to this claim:

An article in Pilipino Star Ngayon dated Feb 9 claimed that it was only Sen Enrile who gave the most “substantial” line of questioning by asking my uncle why he chose to stay with those people whom he knew were corrupt. The article further claimed that my uncle loses credibility by choosing to stay with the corrupt people and goes on to say that he himself is corrupt by his own admission. Sen Escudero said it best: only a thief can catch a thief. If someone stole your cellphone and you report it to the police, do you think it will be recovered? I highly doubt it. I would dare claim that they won’t even catch the guy who took it. But go ask your local bully who just happens to be your friend, and I’m sure that within seconds someone will say that it was “magically” brought to him by another person. If my uncle turned his back from that project that early, yes, it could have made his life easier. But then again, if he was not there, we’d be listening to the Arroyo – De Venecia family feud on our sets now, without knowing for certain who’s telling the truth and who’s speaking mere lies..

Military is funded P-6B. Again, I’m taking it for what it’s worth. To begin with, I don’t really trust the military. Other than Trillanes and the Magdalo group, I think they’re the President’s private army. Try to look at the past PNP and AFP chiefs. They are either retired well off, or still serving the government in some other capacity. Favors never ended for them. But again, this is speculation, my opinion. Besides, after my godfather was brutally murdered by the “intelligence” unit of the PNP and were punished by something a bit harsher than a slap at the wrist (the criminals, all police officers, got about 6 months suspension, my godfather’s family got I think around 5mil in compensation, and that’s about it.), they were back on the force, ready to make mistakes again.

Weird events. My cousin and my aunts are saying that a black Mitsubishi Adventure is roaming around their houses. Yesterday, I was to go to their house, but on the way, I say a black Crosswind seemingly lost. I tried to follow it, but it stopped at some house. To avoid suspicion, I went on my way. Earlier, as I was going home, this same Crosswind was coming into the village and went through the security gate, meaning they were not homeowners. Still, it was moving slowly. I might be paranoid, but again, I’m giving it the benefit of the doubt. Also yesterday, someone called up claiming to be from the Wheelers Club. For those who don’t know, it is a towing service which you apply membership for so that in case of any accident, they will tow your vehicle free of charge. My mother’s vehicle is a registered vehicle. Here’s how the conversation went:

Lady: is Ms Evangeline Lozada going to register the vehicle again? Her vehicle is a white Mitsubishi Lancer with plate number _ _ _ - _ _ _, right?
Sister: uh, yes?
Lady: Is your mother still using the vehicle?
Sister: no, she’s commuting. Who is this?
Lady: Uhm, this is Mila.
Sister: Mila who?
Lady: Mila Diaz.
Sister: Where are you from?
Lady: Uhm, this is from Towing.
Sister: Towing?
Lady: Yes, from the Wheeler’s club.
Sister: What branch?
Lady: E. Rod.
Sister: Do you have a phone number?
Lady: 0920…
Sister: Don’t you have a landline number for your office?
Lady: Uhm, wait. (pauses for a while, seemingly getting something) its (insert Wheeler’s Club number here)

This is why it’s weird. First, my mother’s membership isn’t due until July this year. What would be the reason behind someone calling about her membership? Next, why would anyone from the towing department call and ask about membership? Their job is to tow cars, not register people. Another thing, for registration purposes, why would you need to know if the person is still using the vehicle? I mean, why the hell should they care? They’re already paid and that payment is good until July, so what’s their business wanting to know how that car is right now? And finally, if she is an employee of the Wheeler’s club, why must she pause and look for a number for their own office? You can look Wheeler’s Club up in any yellow pages. Why is it that the first number that would come to her mind is her cellphone number? For official purposes, shouldn’t you give out your company’s own number?

Another call weird call was from someone from Days hotel, asking if my father was home. Asked why, he said he just wants to know if he’s here. Upon saying he isn’t the person on the other end said thanks, and put the phone down. Promos are common nowadays, but from Days hotel? Can anyone tell me if they got a call from them recently looking for a person and not saying why? My father isn’t a hotel person. At least, that’s what I know. At this particular time, I’d trust him more than the Days dude.

We may just be paranoid, but we’re not taking any chances.

Retractions and preparations. Abalos, on his initial interview, fumed when asked by a reporter his thoughts now that 3 people are implicating him on the ZTE deal. He lost his cool. Days after that incident, he appears in front of the media, saying that he is going to file a libel case against my uncle. Now, he has an alibi, a story he can tell the whole world, so he waited until after a couple of days before he could readily face the media. With all due respect to Benjamin, the mayor of Mandaluyong and son of the controversial Abalos, is one of the mayors I actually admire. I don’t know him, I am not from Mandaluyong, but I like him simply because he is a Bosconian. The four years of my life in Don Bosco Mandaluyong have been the most transformative in my life, simply because of the care of the Salesian priests. I have no doubt in my mind that he too is one of those people guided by the principles of the Salesians. I leave him to decide whether or not he will choose the truth over his family.

Gen. Razon, for his part, is still maintaining that he merely acted on my uncle’s request. He is still firm on saying that my uncle wrote to him asking for safety, because he fears for his life. Again, we ask, safety from what and from whom? The senate isn’t going to kill him. “Arrest” doesn’t mean he’s going to get killed, and we’re not dumb as to believing that something bad will happen to him at the senate. We are afraid of the administration and Abalos, and help from the PNP is the last thing that we’re going to ask for after what they did to my godfather, Uncle Jun’s brother. Razon initially claimed that records do not show a certain Roger Valeroso. However, a further search on their database revealed that this Valeroso was actually a former member of the PNP who is now with the DENR. A couple of points I want to question: Under what capacity can a mere SPO4 serve in the DENR? Yes, one may ask too, what is an official of the Forestry corporation doing in a broadband deal? Different talents may be in one person, which is why they serve in areas which are totally different from each other. But as my uncle said, one of his tasks was to “moderate their greed” which ultimately means allow greed, but not to blown up proportions. Could that be Mr. Valeroso’s task in the DENR? But then again, why is he being asked to run errand picking people up in the airport? Additionally, where is he? Why has he not appeared yet, and why is it that only his name is being surfaced, and not the person himself to prove his existence? And most importantly, Razon said that the PNP is just doing their duty of “securing” my uncle, and they have accomplished that mission since my uncle is now speaking in front of the public. However, if it were true that PNP personnel were the people who handled my uncle, why is it that Roger Valeroso is from the DENR? It’s problematic. He and Gen. Atutubo should’ve talked first before releasing a statement.

Speaking of Gen. Atutubo, has anyone seen or heard from him after Thursday? I haven’t. Maybe they’re still spanking him for speaking without coordinating. Palace officials and scriptwriters are now having a hard time trying to figure out how the abduction angle can be dispelled, because apparently, the written request and my Aunt’s supposed request are not yet enough for the people.

Sec. Neri, the dear friend my uncle seeks to protect out of “respect”, is not even supporting him, which is all the more demoralizing, for lack of a better term, for me personally. My uncle’s in a position where he can no longer turn back, so afraid or not, he should carry on. He’s been broken down in Hong Kong. On the account of people who were with him, there were times when he answers his cellphone and then his eyes just suddenly turns red. We want to show him that we’re still behind him, but personally, I’m feeling disappointed and afraid that this might lead to nothing because they’re ganging up on him.

Invoking rights. Let me get it right: according to the bill of rights, one has the right to invoke his right against self-incrimination. By invoking this right, one may not be persecuted by evidence that is from him. When Sen. Miriam Santiago was questioning my uncle, he could have very well invoked this right so as he would not be persecuted on his admittance. He didn’t, because he wasn’t going to hide anything (well, apparently, anything that does not involve Sec. Neri) from the public. Now, people from the government are filing a case against him because of his admittance of corruption. And you know why? Because “this government does not tolerate corruption.” Tell that to importers who continually pay people from customs so that they can go on with their business. Tell that to countless people who MMDA and traffic enforcers extort money from. Tell that to the general public. Tell that to the farmers who walked all the way from the province to air out their grievances to the government. And if they all say that statement is a fact, then I will concede that the President is in fact our savior, and no other person is fit to be in that position of power than her.

Funding. I could tell you this much: a couple of my cousins and I are discussing this situation, and we concede that if it were up to us, we would just shut up given the right amount, amounts that would make us all set until at least the next generation. I will not be a hypocrite who will say that I am an all-righteous person. I just want to live a quiet, simple life. That’s why I’ve been holding off law school even to this date. By doing all these, we’re being put at the very top of the most wanted list of the Leprechaun’s private army. It’s a tough company to go against. She has allies in all major departments of the country and she is the well-loved commander-in-chief of the military leaders. Accepting an amount is the easiest way to get out of this mess. But after my uncle’s testimony, how else can you retract after going this deep into it?

My uncle is doing this for the country, in honor of that great man who produced excellent people, my grandfather, Rodolfo Sr., or “Upoy” for the locals in Ligao, Albay. This country, as my uncle claimed, has done so much for our family. What he is doing now is the least he can do to repay this for this country and honor his father. I am just afraid that he may be “just another witness” to the very same people who he is trying to protect. To dispel the possibility of funding from the other side, I will wholeheartedly say that he is not motivated or funded by anyone from the opposition. To tell you frankly, my uncle’s not that poor to be bought at some price (unlike me and my cousins). While he was in Hong Kong, he was telling my father that he doesn’t want to talk to Sen. Lacson anymore because it seems that he is using him for his political ambitions in 2010. He wanted his family to be the ones who would fetch him from the airport because he doesn’t want to be linked to any opposition senator, as it might give the wrong impression.

Personal knowledge is all we have. Should there be any actual evidence, I personally would not know of it. However, I can attest that everything he said in the senate about his involvement in the ZTE deal is true due to the fact that it is the same story we’ve heard countless times before. And that is all we have. That is the only stone that we could throw at the Goliath we are going up against. I implore you people, please make your voices heard. Please pass this on. Let more people know so that they will not be confined to what they hear or see on the different media that present news. Our involvement in this mess won’t make us rich. It won’t make my uncle the president of this country. National recognition may be inevitable, but what more can it give you than celebrity status, and how in the hell can it improve his lifestyle? We gain nothing big from this mess. So please, help this David out and spread the truth before Goliath completely annihilates him and make him just another page in their book of lies.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

stay awake and fret

i was talking to my friend the other day telling her that i couldn't remember the last time that i cried. i am honestly not the type of person who likes to show her feelings or be malambing to others. i grew up keeping everything to myself, be it my problems or my worries. i was afraid that if i try to ask other people to listen to me, they wouldn't understand me or worse, show no affection towards me. thus i am used to keeping it all inside until i can no longer control myself that i end up breaking down. but again, i try not to let others see how vulnerable i get sometimes.


today i cried so hard. everything seemed so perfect these past few days. lazy mondays and eventful thursdays and fridays, and yet by the end of the week, i felt so tired and heavy. i thought everything was fine, but later on realized it wasn't. i grew homesick. i was alone and felt no one was there to listen. i thought i was strong, that i don't miss home, but silly me, i miss it badly. i made a wrong decision of choosing to stay here.

other than that, i really felt so alone today. i used to tell my friends that spending time alone is one of the most wonderful things i ever discovered. but on days like this one, i hate that i am alone. i feel so helpless with nobody to talk to. everything else started to fall apart. i started to worry about everything, about family, friends and myself.


i worry about everything.

Friday, February 15, 2008

pure block Y love

sometimes, things are better said in pictures than in words...

SAGALA NG MGA SIKAT >>> Mga Bayani ng Batas Militar ang Pinakasikat! 8 February 2008

DIVE and TREK with block Y last 9 February 2008.

Thursday, February 14, 2008


today is february 14, valentine's day or for most of us, it's single awareness day (SAD). :)) i honestly do not have the dulce to write about bitterness, romance and love. discretion is all that i ask. and again, i was misinterpreted. good job. :(

today, my guy blockmates surprised all the girls with personal cards placed on our desks. serenading us with some cheesy valentine song, the guys entered the room and gave us roses and a valentine cake. this kind of love is not love between a boy and a girl, but a love shared within a group. we may not like each other the way couples do, but i believe that the love we have within the group is something more special than that. my personal card says "your ow country: MIAnmar." =)) =)) so it may not exactly be the sweetest line a guy ever told me, but still, it was flattering to receive personalized cards. kulang na lang harana, and my v-day would have been one of the most memorable.

there are days when i envied girls carrying large bouquets in their hands while their boyfriends hold their bags for them. i wonder if i lacked something that these girls had. i know flowers or chocolates mean nothing in the end, but no girl would not want to receive flowers from men, especially from those who mean so much to these girls. i want to be that girl who receives special gifts which then make her feel special as well.

happy valentine's day everyone. we may not have the unrequitted love we all dreamt of for today, but come to think of it, why do people have to wait for this day just to show people how much they love them or in my case, how people can't seem to move on and let go of the past.

so here's to love and discretion. :D

Friday, February 08, 2008

pinakasikat at pinakamasaya


Block Y/MM. I realized just now how much you guys mean to me. College wouldn't be this fun if it weren't for you. I heart you all! >:D<

Sir Marx Lopez. Despite of your leaving us a week from now, you never failed to show us your full support. We're so happy that even before you leave, winning the sagala ng sikat is considered one of your greatest moments. We'll miss you.

And lastly, GOD. Thank you Lord. It wouldn't have been the same if we didn't rely on You and kept the pressure all to ourselves. This trophy is offered to You, because it was You who helped us from the beginning. You rock. :D

and the happy days continue tomorrow. Dive and Trek na! wooooo.

Thursday, February 07, 2008

boo zoo

this day sucks so much. if it weren't for the after-test events, McDo pig-out and YM chats, i probably would have broken down and cried.

i spent almost two days and three nights studying for the second long test in zoology, and yet i end up clueless the moment i saw the questionairre. i missed 15 questions out of the 80 item exam. :( what could be worse than that? i don't want to fail zoology! i don't want to get a D or a C in my class card. and most of all, i want to be in the DL this sem. but noooo, stupid and evil zoology can easily put me down.

nonetheless, i still have the rest of the day. after the exam, we headed to joyce's home in LGV to start on the float for the Sagala ng mga Sikat which will btw start tomorrow at 430 so please come and see our float! :D anway, we spent almost 4 hours gossiping and eating that we ended up doing almost nothing. it was fun though, and a good destresser from zoology.

i am alone tonight. my roommate's off somewhere, no idea where. so i decided to pig out on happy food. McDonald's, yay! McFlurry Buko Pandan is <3 super yummy with nata de coco tidbits.

but the best part of the night is the after dinner chatting. since i do not have any homework to do excpet for packing my things for the Dive and Trek trip, i was freeeee. feeling a bit depressed still, i wrote in my stat message bar, "tonight i am sad." and people were just so comforting that they started messaging me telling me if i was doing okay or what. they even tried sending pictures of some guy they thought i had a crush on. plus some pampakilig moves also from random friends. yikeee. anyway, it was all good. thank you for comforting me. >:D<

so, if you're going diving and trekking, what are the things you should bring?

Sunday, February 03, 2008

result released

today is the D DAY. and i've made my decision. hopefully i can live up to it. :))

the sad thing about countdowns is not getting what you wanted or at least being satisfied with the result, but then again, who's to blame? i started this weeklong countdown and voila, this is what i got. i may not be very happy with the outcome, i guess i have no choice but to accept it. the signs have spoken and the hints have failed. i was hoping something good would come out of the countdown, or something that i wanted to happen would happen but sadly didn't.

bu then again, there are still better things to come. and as my friend told me, there are many fishes in the pond and i am the catch.

thank God for friends who make all the sense in the world. i'd be too praning now without them. :))