Monday, June 13, 2011

By the way...

I've moved!! :)

See you there!

Wednesday, June 01, 2011

Slightly Amused

I'm taking a short break from writing about my almost a month old trip to Singapore to write down a few more recent updates.

I found out yesterday that Ed Westwick, yes Chuck Bass from Gossip Girl, is the new endorser of Coca-Cola's aluminum bottles. I really don't care much about the product or whatever's new about Coke. I'm just really excited and kiligerz that Ed Westwick appeared with his unkempt hair for the launch, not that I don't love his neaty-sweetie attire as Chuck Bass in Gossip Girl. Forgive my fangirlish lines. You see, I admittedly have a lot of celebrity crushes, but my top picks would have to be Lee Min Ho (if you don't know him, make sure you search for him!) and well, Ed Westwick. Haha.

Too many photos? :s

But aside from looking through pictures of Westwick, I've been obsessing over my hair for the longest time. It's crazy I tell you! Last Monday, I got a haircut just to you know, do something interesting in my life. But sadly, the stylist didn't do very well on the cut I wanted. How bad was it? Imagine me looking like a sick little boy who uses a wig to cover up the lack of hair. It's hard to explain it in words but you'll know what I mean if you've seen it. But you can never imagine that haircut because I paid another visit to a different salon earlier today what I thought was an already bad do. I thought to myself, this cut won't go any worse, so what the heck, might as well do something to fix it. But what is wrong with my awfully straight hair that hairdressers can never get the cut right? :( My hair now just looks like a helmet covering my head. I hate it, hate it more now than before. I need another haircut to just trim almost everything off and get something that's really short, even shorter than my brother's. This just won't do. Maybe on Sunday I'll go to another salon. :s 

I just wish school will start soon so I can have more reasonable and rational things to fawn over, anything far more important than foreign celebrities and my hair please.