Thursday, March 25, 2010

Receive a blue rose -> check! HAHA

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

What a pain.

Monday, March 15, 2010

I try to pretend I don't care. But please, can't you take the hint of me not talking?

I pray for understanding. And love. Yes, perhaps more love.

Friday, March 05, 2010

Today I experienced my first real job interview, and when I say real, I meant an interview with a big-time company, and not just a cute little org or project interview for school. I now believe how a little experience of this and that can go a long way. Hihi. And to be honest, everything still feels unreal until now. I can't believe I am actually hired and that I have 60 or so surveys sitting on top of my clothes hamper waiting to be encoded in SPSS. After almost four hours of waiting and talking to my editor, I am employed (well for at least a month or so) and with a "homework" due by Wednesday. How am I supposed to fit that into my already cramped weekend schedule? :( If only I didn't have two Org Chem long exams next week plus a Philo paper to write, I would love to work for long hours on this report. Hay. Here's to surviving this weekend and the weeks after that.
Guess where I'll be working :))