Sunday, September 27, 2009


I'm really scared, scared of what will happen tomorrow or the day after. When I woke up this morning, I was so scared to go outside because I did not know whether it was still flooded or not. I realized the typhoon has subsided after a whole day of nonstop rain that, I read from the online news, killed more than 50 people. People are missing, and I am not sure whether among those 20,000 people, I have friends or schoolmates belonging to that big a number. I pray for good weather for the coming days and for the safety of the rest of the people and fast recovery of those who were affected by Ondoy.

Dear Lord,

Thank you for keeping me and my family safe. Thank you that we were not flooded, that we still have food to eat, and that we still have a sturdy home to stay in. Please keep all my loved ones safe and the rest of the people and their families as well. I pray for those who are still missing, may they contact us soon to tell us that they are safe. I pray for those who don't seem to care about what's been happening to the country. I pray for more people to donate and to volunteer. And I pray that this incident be a lesson for all of us. Amen.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Who would say no to these shoes? :O I waaaaant! Wala lang, I really want to save money for nice shoes. Just to relieve myself from the stress school's been giving me lately.


School's about to end in a few weeks, and I don't think I've done so well this semester. There's that feeling that I know I could've done better, but I guess this sem's been the most stressful yet, hence the unsatisfactory results. Hay. I pray for a better sem next sem (although Chemistry is coming back yikes) and greater stuff for Kythe.


I want to watch 500 Days of Summer. Who's with me? :>

Thursday, September 10, 2009

hello sembreak

Most of the time I still feel so useless, regardless of the time and effort I give.

Friday, September 04, 2009


Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Law of attraction says that if you really want something so badly, the whole world actually connives to help you get it... I really really really really (with a burning passion) want this, please world, help me have it? To be part of that list would mean so much to me and to my future, so please, can I have this thing I want?