Sunday, July 26, 2009

before i study

It's true that not everything I want is everything I need. I wish I was better at filtering things or people or experiences that I really need, so I don't have to go through the long and tiring process of regret most of the time.

For happier news, I'm looking forward to the UST Med School tour this Friday and Embassy's Yard Sale. I really wish I can go to both events AND still have time to study for the first theo long exam.


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Monday, July 20, 2009


3 more thousand to go. :-<

Friday, July 17, 2009

three strikes

Are we done yet? Can I please get myself back on track and forget how shitty I've performed in the last month?

student life satisfaction: 2

Monday, July 13, 2009

because OSCI online enlistment was such a fail

The idea of berry picking seems to excite me, I don't know why. Bananas for breakfast, anyone?

Thank God Ateneo won yesterday. *hoping for a good score in the last Theo quiz*

Sunday, July 05, 2009

the saving Facebook app

thank you :)

Almira got a message that on this day, God wants her to know...
... that humans learn only by trial and error, and that includes you.

You've got to live life, not think about it. Step into the midst of things, try and fail and learn and stand up again. The question is not whether you will or will not make mistakes - you will. The question is do you want to learn and grow, or do you want to shrink back and be stuck? Take that step you've been avoiding. You can succeed, or you can get feedback that it didn't work, but in either case you are sure to feel alive.

See what God wants you to know...

June 30 at 1:51am · Comment · Like · Read your Message from God

Friday, July 03, 2009

back to school

It's only the third week of classes and I already feel as if it's midterms season. Hay theo, you are eating me alive.

The days seem longeeeeeer. And I don't like it all. *sighs