Saturday, November 29, 2008

mommy, I'm scared. Hug me. :(

Sunday, November 23, 2008

don't give up. -natividad

I’ve been obviously busy with school work and the coming Kythe project. Although my schedule is a lot lighter compared to the first semester, I can’t seem to manage my time properly. Dunno why, I’m just not used to going home at 3PM that’s why I end up bumming around the lib or at the caf trying to waste time. Anyway, that’s not my point right now. Theo is becoming such a bitch right now, more than chem. I know, it’s weird. The readings seem easy enough to understand, but then, come class discussion, I’m left blank for 50 minutes while my management majors blockmates keep on raising their hands and answering/asking questions. I feel so stupid and faithless. We’ve had two quizzes and so far, I’ve failed both quizzes. *sob*

“Always be ready to give an explanation to anyone who asks you for a reason for your hope.” –Doing Theology

And I’m yet to find out what that explanation is. :-< Ah well, theo with natnat was never easy anyway.

For other news...

DLSU-United. UST-UNICEF. UP-Red Cross Youth. World Youth Alliance .Pre-Medical Society of Ateneo. Kythe Ateneo. 6 organizations. 1 cause. Help promote pediatric rights. Help heal. Join Kythe-Ateneo's Circle of Life Project! Join the poster-making and human chain to show your support for the children. Be a volunteer and contact us.

WHAT: Kythe-Ateneo's Circle Of Life Project
WHEN: November 30, 2008, 7:30am- 12nn
WHERE: Quezon City Circle

CONTACT: Angel(09193654443) or Mia(09169732222) or Kriselle (09209096426)

THIS IS OPEN TO ANYONE, so please message me if you're interested. Kk? ;)

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

three little birds

I want this week to end alreaaaaady. The first the three days felt like August when everything seemed to pile up on me, but the only difference is that August consisted of 30 days of torture.

Nobody wants to go to school early, especially for chem, but we didn’t have a choice. Boo. After going through the syllabus, our professor explained how different Ch11 will be from Ch7. M-m-m-m-math! More math, more formulas, more computations for this sem. Ohnoes. And I think the only reason I survived Ch7 was because I read the chapters and tried to remember the concepts. The computational part was just a shame. I’m scared for this one, seriously. I know I didn’t so well with my Math subjects back in first year, so I’m most likely to expect a not-so-good one for this subject.

I don’t like long breaks anymore. Back in first year, I used to love these 2 or 3 hour breaks since they meant more time to play Pusoy Dos or lunch in Katipunan. But that’s so last year. :/ Who would a 2-hour break followed by Th121 (now this is another story) then another 1-hour break before the next class? Huhuhu. What makes the breaks even more undesirable is not being with my other blockmates. Sad I know.

ilovetheoilovetheoilovetheo. I’m trying to force into myself a positive outlook on this subject, cos really, I don’t think I will survive if I see this subject in a different dramatic suicidal perspective (although it really is something I’d cry over). Thank God I was not alone though. During sembreak I was seriously panicking since I thought I didn’t have anyone with me in Natividad’s class, but what do you know, my good ol’ theo blockmates even offered me as the sacrificial lamb a.k.a. class beadle. But it’s okay, good chances of sucking up. =)) =)) =)) But you know, I haven’t heard of any other blocks that were chopped and shuffled into different theology blocks, like what the registrar sadly did to our block. It’s unfair how we’re stuck with the SOM people and are actually expected to be like them. Oh well oh well.

T-Th sched will probably kill me this semester since I’ll be having classes from 9am till 130. But it’s okay, I think it can be a good way for me to lose a few pounds with breakfast/lunch at 3 in the afternoon. HAHAHA, nice one. Plus, my professors seemed nicer and more considerate compared to the ones above. I mean, Manaois! People actually envy those who can get into Manaois. Lucky me. :P

One word… Judo. Fine, so I’m not the type who’s most likely to be seen choking someone or pinning someone, but seriously, you should see me tackle my brother when we were younger. It was similar to wrestling, only the kiddie version of it. So I thought why not try myself if I can still do it? It can’t be that bad right? What I don’t like about it is having to walk to Blue Eagle Gym 30 minutes after western history. No one likes to walk under the 1pm sun in heavy white denim judo uniform just to be thrown or pinned by your classmate. But other than that, judo sounds fun. I want to pin someone soon.

Aside from the slightly crazy schedule that I have for this sem, there are other things worth noting for the start of this semester. Have you noticed the new tiles in SOM and CTC buildings? I just think that Ateneo made a very good decision on that one. No more embarrassing oops-i-slipped moments during rainy days for me. Also, I’ve been seeing a lot of new faces for the past three days. These people that I’ve never come across to in the hallways for 2 years are suddenly my blockmates in different subjects. And well, there are those other familiar faces you’ve missed over the break, faces you wished weren’t the ones you’d first see on the first day, and faces that seemed to look at you differently now than before.

I’m praying for a better week next week because maybe I’m just not myself this week, or maybe I’m still not getting used to that fact that sembreak’s over. But regardless, I just want to feel better for myself and for this semester.

Friday, November 07, 2008

Thanks so much for crushing my ego. Really, thanks a lot dude. :)